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Ok i seem to be at that wall ice was talking about @ just over 500Kb/sec. So now i need a way to climb over the wall. If I can tweek my bios might that do it :?: If so can somebody tell me what i might tweek in my bios to squeeze a little extra speed out of this old girl :D

Oh yeah i don't know how to get into my Bios, could somebody help me with that 8)


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I'll have to say negative on changing the bios to get higher speeds, unless you're using an onboard LAN with a flash rom. Besides, from my own experience, flashing the BIOS when it comes out with a new bios for the lan, and some error happens while flashing, you'll get problems and will need to reflash. Sometimes corruption occurs within the LAN Bios without you noticing for a time. But if you flash the MODEM Bios, you can potentially get....upwards of 10mbit on a cable line(uncapping). But if you have a MoBo with softmenu, you could change the fsb and voltages to maybe OC a lil bit on it to squeeze out a few extra mhz, IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT.


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Besides, it's not really possible to mod the bios unless you get the encryption key used to create it, and you need to know the techy notes on it. If you want to access your changeable bios settings press f2 or del or f8 or some button like that during first 5 secs of power on.


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:) Ah Mort,

Dont stop lorne from having all that fun tweaking the bios...no just kidding I email lorne and warned the same thing,but I did encourge him to look at the bios when booting because I think everyone should know every nuk and crany on their machine.I now tell people you cant hurt anything by looking and thats true,but when I first started using a PC it was to pgm. phone systems and just high lighting something it very often changed the value and caused a lot of problems(for me anyway) well that was back in the day and its a lot different now thank God.So go eye ball that bios but make sure you write it down and it is almost fail safe cause it ask are you sure you want to do this?As you said flashing can be a major pain...Have fun guys........

8) microwave :twogun:

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