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I can get pretty close to my max upload speed to that Switzerland NDT, but the download speed is lacking for some reason. I have noticed this with other things (usually higher latency servers but sometimes other things) as well (my upload will be great but the download slower than it should be).

Anybody have an idea what is at fault? It seems odd that only my download speed would be affected.

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most likely a receive buffer/latency issue. the server will send out only so many packets before wanting an acknoledgement for the first one. you can download them so fast that by the time the forst packet gets to you and your comp acks it the server has paused the upload because due to distance the time for the reply is too long. once it gets the acks it starts sending again until it reaches the limit then waits for acks again.

and if i was awake that might actually have made sense. good luck with that.

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Do you ever actually get to use all of that download speed?

not really, to get this speed server that sends the data also need to be tweaked. I think many sites cap the speed aswell. When i download a file over DC++ from a user with 100Mbps upload, the top speed is usually around 30 Mbps. The fastest around 80Mbps (most likely cablenut tweaked  :evil6:). To use all 100Mbps down, i can download 3 files at the same time running 30Mbps.

But that dosent happen very often. I would rather have a 30/30Mbps connection  :)

VanBuren :)

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I can get pretty close to my max upload speed to that Switzerland NDT, but the download speed is lacking for some reason. I have noticed this with other things (usually higher latency servers but sometimes other things) as well (my upload will be great but the download slower than it should be).

Anybody have an idea what is at fault? It seems odd that only my download speed would be affected.

dern nice overseas, try this at diffrent times a day. sometimes I also get low downloadscores overseas

VanBuren :)

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Is there something special about uploading (over long distances) that makes it uneffected by speed drops. Common sense tells my that whatever speed I send at I should be able to recieve it at the same speed if everything was working how it should be.

Is it because I just have better international routing then the NDT server? We are both on Level3 so would that make it Level3's fault?

Would it be my ISP's fault or is it a problem on their end?

Could something else be to blame?

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Is there something special about uploading (over long distances) that makes it uneffected by speed drops. Common sense tells my that whatever speed I send at I should be able to recieve it at the same speed if everything was working how it should be.

Is it because I just have better international routing then the NDT server? We are both on Level3 so would that make it Level3's fault?

Would it be my ISP's fault or is it a problem on their end?

Could something else be to blame?

my guess is that some router in your route is overloaded at one direction

Not long ago i had the same problem with this server, but since i pull over 90 Mbps from it now, the server must be ok.

VanBuren :)

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