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Hey guys i havent been around much..had some problems and have been locked up for a minute but im back for the time being but anyways

i just called SBC (or AT&T..w.e its called now) and i upgraded to the new elite package.  They said it will be in effect on friday but im wondering, what kinda speeds will i see? it says 3.0-6.0mb download but does any1 have any speed tests from it? im curious to see how fast i will get! :)

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it says im 14445 feet from teh CO..but it says my line is covad? that cant be right, i live in north little rock, arkansas, i cant be that far? im in the city

don't worry about it saying your line is covad, im on bellsouth and it says the same thing for me. and don't worry about it saying your 14445 feet away, that just means that your on a RT (Remote termanal) you are probally with in 4000 feet from one. so you will be able to get great download speeds from the elite package.

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  I had the elite package and I did tweak and I seen about 4.4-7 mbs down and about 640 or so upload. But they bumbed me back down to pro because they say I can't get 6mbs were I am and that it was trying to push 6mb but couldn't causing my line to be unstable. I called them because sometime my net would go to like 5kbs lol so yea it was unstable. But not sure thats what it was because it did that before to.

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well i cant wait to get it! does anybody know what ports are blocked on my line? i think its only 25 but im not sure.  about this fttp thing from at&t to, when can i find out if its going to be in my area? and what are the speeds on that?

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well i cant wait to get it! does anybody know what ports are blocked on my line? i think its only 25 but im not sure.  about this fttp thing from at&t to, when can i find out if its going to be in my area? and what are the speeds on that?

from what i remember at&t only blocks 25.

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it says im 14445 feet from teh CO..but it says my line is covad? that cant be right, i live in north little rock, arkansas, i cant be that far? im in the city

dsl reports is probably wrong as they havent updated in a while and the only way to know exactly is to ask your isp and they can run a test to see exactly how far you are. :)

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