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BANDA ACEH, Indonesia - Indonesia announced that U.S. and other foreign troops providing tsunami disaster relief must leave the country by the end of March and ordered aid workers Wednesday to declare their travel plans or face expulsion from devastated Aceh province on Sumatra island.

end quote

you've got countries and aid organizations bending over backwards to help, and they unship the red tape.  :?

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Oh My GOD!

That just blew a major hole in ALL of the relief efforts.  Leave it to the politicians to make the people suffer.  (They are vying to keep the huge influx of money totally to themselves ...and their nation's people can fein for themselves)?  If so ...Sad sad sad state of affairs there.  You watch ...the US and Japan will be the first two nations to pull out (including the 3 billion ...and then they'll bad mouth yet nobody will listen.  This one is "fishy" too ...something is amiss that the news is not telling us, and I hate to think of what it may be.  Afer all, why would a devasted area that HAD no choice but to ask for relief turn around and toss everyone out ...unless they are truly looking to keep the funds for their own pockets (which has happened before!) ...or it is a political maneuver of the type we don't want!

TY for the news flash resopalrabotnick (you know exactly where I am coming from ...meaning our conversations from earlier in this day).  Egads....

I find it suspiciously interesting the www.cnn.com doesn't have a word to say about possible expulsion of anyone ...no mention of it.  Just a small blurb about them wanting to have better or more control over the entire relief effort operation than what they have now.  So I wonder who is choking off the information and why.  The API is totally silent on it (at the time of this writing).

according to yahoo they took it off the ap wire 2:35 hours ago, so i guess it's normal for the major networks to be lagging a bit. besides, there's not all that much hard info in the article. yet.


cnn.com has an article as of 2111 eastern time.

well, they actually wouldn'tlet em put the carrier where they wqanted, said they dont want mil. jets in their airspace, nixed the marines idea to set up a beachhead. sounds like somone over there is feeling their oats

and btw, denke is think. thanks would be danke.

That just blew a major hole in ALL of the relief efforts.  Leave it to the politicians to make the people suffer.  (They are vying to keep the huge influx of money totally to themselves ...and their nation's people can fein for themselves)?  If so ...Sad sad sad state of affairs there.

exactly ! and it need to stop  :!:  same thing happens in big parts of Africa too  :(

VanBuren :)

...sigh... i gave ten bucks outta my own pocket to the fund going around my school, not to mention bought only half a lunch every day for the past couple of weeks so i could give half my lunch money to the fund along with a few of my friends... (not much of a loss, considering it was just school lunch :lol: ) had i known that theyd be like France, (no offense to the french peeps here...), and get all ungrateful on us, i wouldntve bothered...

Well Cobra, things usually have a habit of working out for the better.  I pray this comes to pass on these issues as well. Last I heard from my friends in that area who went in the relief effort, things are not as bad as the media is trying to make things out to be ....I HATE THE MEDIA ...they cause needless troubles and confusions.


'The Reverend"

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