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If you talk to me enough you will find i am always fully of problems. Most of them being related to my internet. No satisfaction. Now on with what i needed help with. It seems that i have screwed up something in my computer and can't find what i did. I've done system restores and checked my registry settings and all that stuff. The problem is that I used to get speeds of around 124 KB/s down and 13 up. now i get about 60 down and 8 up. I use the cablenut program, and the was what first brought my speeds up to what they used to be. Then something happened. I have no clue what, and have done everything i can think of to try to find it. I contacted direcway, but of course they couldn't solve my problem. Their solution to everything seems to be power cycle the modem, check your connection, and make sure your proxy settings are correct. I use a DW6000. If someone could kinda hack into my computer and find out what's wrong, that would be awsome. I just don't know what to do and it's making me frustrated.

Hi whiteolorin!  ltns!

I do believe I can help you with this one.  For one, when using DirecWay you just can't use the Cablenut programme (it is made for cable-modem users and will put the screws to a Satellite configuration).  The good news is that it is pretty easy to fix!

First, launch the Cablenut programme and reset it so that it brings back all of your default settings.  (It may ask you to reboot and please do so if it does).

DirecWay has no idea what a proxy is.  Go into your IE (I assume you are using IE), click on Tools, Internet Options, Connections, LAN Settings and uncheck everything, then place a checkmark in both proxy boxes.  Now click on the advanced button and make sure it says and that it is set for Port 87.  Look down below and you'll see the Exceptions box.  Please place the following (using cut n paste) in that box:  direcwaysupport.com;192.168.0.*  (if you put it in by hand, that's a semicolon used as a separator)!  Now "OK" your way out of there.

DO NOT RUN THE LCCU or it will 'uncheck' the two proxy boxes that you just checked ...and it is worthless for the DW6000 (but great for the DW4000s).

I have attached a little utility from SpeedGuide.net called TCP Optimizer.  I am not saying that it will work miracles, but it will "pull" some number for you that are helpful in diagnosing problems like yours.  Before you run it for testing/setup....Open the FILE then choose the first option to Backup your present settings and save them to wherever on your HDD.  That's it for the moment with that one, so just close it for a few.

I am sure you have Dr. TCP right?  If not I've attached that one too just in case you do not.  Here are the numbers/settings you should use for the best possible performance:

Tcp Receive Window  0

Window Scaling  No

Time Stamping  Yes

Selective Acks  Yes

Dial up (RAS) MTU (blank)

Path MTU Discovery  YES

Black Hole Detection  No

Max. Duplicate Acks  2

TTL  64

Adapter Settings:  Realtek RTL8139 Family.... <---or whatever is the hardware that is directly connected to your DW6000.  If the DW6000 is listed or if it say SAT USB ....use it instead!

MTU1500  (1500 is the standard for all of the DW6000s, but if you know for sure that your MTU is lesser, put your number in there.

Now just click on Save then Exit.  Reboot even if it doesn't tell you to!

Now, between those two things, some kind of difference should be seen in your speed.  So for the moment let's stop right here to see what happens.  I'll be online all night so feel free to either post another Distress Call, or drop me an e-mail.  Your choice!  (It's better to post for the benefit of other users though ...if you don't mind)!  I'll keep an eye out for you!

Good luck and please keep me "in the loop." on this one!


"The Reverend"

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 627 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is:: 77 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 11 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 13.3 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=ILTX0WDJR

That was after the changes. about the same speeds. small increase. i still had to just stare at that for a while and wonder what happened.

Please tell me what satellite and transponder (frequency) you are using so that I can check to see if there are any problems or issues with it.  Also, what were you doing just prior to noticing that your speed was trashed?  That is probably the best clue to solving your problem available!  If you have a static IP ....I can check it from my station to see where you are in the system (globally anyway).

Please keep me posted if you wish...

I'll wait...

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 2248 Kbps about 2.2 Mbps (tested with 579 KB)

Download Speed is:: 274 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 40 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.74 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=DK276JWPV

That's torture. To make me wish i had those speeds. and then to think there are people paying less than i am getting those speed. ugh. I think i have found the source of my problem. My IE speeds remain at normal while my firefox speeds fall way below. I think tampered too much with a few of the settings, did something i don't remember about and so im just going to uninstall it and then reinstall and see how that works out.

Your sig is normal ...however, without some more specific input, there is nothing in the least that I can do to offer you any assitance.  :)  Any chance you have an abundance of dust in your box?  "Loose wires"?  NIC Card and all other connections in good shape?  Did you power cycle the modem for at least five minutes (any less is worthless)...

Are the two proxy boxes checked in your browser, and under the advanced tab does it say and Port 87?  down below in the Exceptions box, do you have the entries:  direcwaysupport.com;192.168.0.*

Are you sure that you have CableNut completely out of there and that your TCP/IP stack is back to the default?  Have you run Dr. TCP and turned on Time Stamping?  That is especially for Satellites.  Is the light on your NIC 'flashing or dead'?  Are you using a router or are you using the DW6000 to hand out your DHCP #'s?  HDDs fully defragged?  There are 101 things that could be doing it...

I will be here if you wish some assistance, one step at a time so that nothing is overlooked. 

Best of luck if you would rather troubleshoot it on your own!  That's cool too!  :)

"The Rev"

i think my sattelite and "tweak" settings are fine. it's just, i need to be able to completely remove firefox from my computer. i uninstalled and then reinstalled and everything about it was the same. same skin i had before, same settings, everything. so i think i kinda have the problem fixed if i can just get firefox fixed from whatever i did to it. I guess i shouldn't mess with things im not completely sure about. like the about:config page. Thank you reverend for all your help. I would like to applaud you because you always respond when i post something ,but for some reason i do not have that little button. that is if there is supposed to be one. I have checked settings, checked wires, my computer hasn't had time to collect dust yet, i defrag every day, always turns out to have 0 files fragmented. all lights are on. i do use a linksys router, nothing has been messed with on it for months. Also, my transponder is --- hmm. i can't remember. and i can't find it. About trouble shooting it on my own, well, i couldn't do any more and so that's why i came here. Not saying that i don't come here for anything but that. I love this place.

The 274 speeds? oh no. that was just a fluke. The problem is this.


:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 515 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 63 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 9 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 16.25 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=08ACEJWM6

But then IE strangely going faster with

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1046 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 128 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 19 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 8 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=XQL9Z5SK1

I think it's just firefox. I guess i just won't use it anymore. i deleted every trace i could find of it and nothing changed when i got it back. Oh well. my true speed is ok at least, but im just having browser problems.

No ....a Registry Cleaner only gets rid of files that are unneeded, lead to deadends, or otherwise have no use.  If you use Regedit, you go in there first and make a backup of your registry (THAT IS A MUST) ....so if anything goes wrong, restoring it is simple!  Just get into regedit, click on file, then export, then save a copy to your HDD ...THEN run the reg cleaner!

Good luck!

It surely sounds like it is entirely Firefox related since your normal (IE) browsing is unaffected ...which is a big relief.  Bear in mind that the DW6000 was not built with Firefox in mind.  It was a narrowminded move on their part, but the 6000 is designed to work best with IE 5or6 ...and it expects you to keep updated too.  NOC is constantly adding software to the 6000s (silently) so that it will work with the latest updates from Microsoft ...which saves them a ton of headaches at NOC.

I don't have alot of knowledge about FireFox for that very reason, so I pray you can get it nailed down with a bit of luck and patience 'to boot'!  :)

Lemme know how she turns out, or page me again if it starts looking like a DWay prob and we'll tear it down.

"The Rev"  :)

I think either direcway or microsoft has somehow degraded the performance of my firefox browser, I just downloaded some other browsers that didn't run on top of IE and they all got the same slow speeds that i was getting with firefox. IE is the only browser i've used so far that will get correct speeds. very strange

Well, I know for sure that DirecWay has NO CLUE who is using what for a browser because they simply don't have manpower to check nor do they care.  DWay will work will virtually ALL browsers (or even in pure DOS mode for that matter) ...so that's not it.  I can't speak for Micro$oft though ...I suppose anything is possible yet that seems rather unlikely to me.  There isn't enough competition from any browser to cause MS to try to derail anyone's products in that manner.  You said you were messing in the rigging so perhaps you effected a change in the registry that only a reload of the OS is going to fix?  I dunno ...but since ALL other browsers are getting slower response except for IE, Microsoft isn't singling out Firefox right?  :)

XP has a nice habit of repairing itself after a few reboots or over a few days.  I would try going into the Prefetch folder, a subfolder of C:Windows, and delete everything in there except ANYTHING that does NOT end in .pf  (like the Layout.ini file ...don't mess with it)!

After about three reboots, the files you are using the most will be back in the prefetch folder and that just might cure the problem.  It has to be something silly like that.  If it were major you would not be surfing at all, or the other browsers wouldn't even launch!

Check it out and see if that may help matters, and I'll keep researching this 'el strango' as best as I can.

"The Rev"

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