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dlewis during the slow time of day it will crawl to 350 kbps. And U/L is seldom past 35kbps. So yes and no. It just beats dial-up dome days. most times it will D/L at about 1300 NOT during the busy time of day though and of late night it will hit 1900. Other than storms that are within 5 miles. It OK.  :D

Oh and I pay way too much. $59.95.

dlewis during the slow time of day it will crawl to 350 kbps. And U/L is seldom past 35kbps. So yes and no. It just beats dial-up dome days. most times it will D/L at about 1300 NOT during the busy time of day though and of late night it will hit 1900. Other than storms that are within 5 miles. It OK.  :D

Oh and I pay way too much. $59.95.

$59.95 ouch thats alot for that. it really sucks you can't get DSL or cable in your area.

Country good life, worth waiting for it. It is 2 blocks from my house, it is being held up for political crap. Something about deregulation by the state of Missouri. I refuse to pay to have it dug to my house, when they will eventually bring it to me for free. And my contract is up in November.  :protest:

Sorry the DSL 6.0 just stares at me everyday when I drive by it each day.  :shock:

Punks.  :protest:

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