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My dial-up owns you all!

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I should be back once we get someone who can run the damn country the right way! Or when I get a $40k+ a year job admining servers... Otherwise, I'm stuck here on dialup for a while. There is cable out here, just not bi-direction cable internet. I'm going to be getting commspeed.net wireless crap in the next few weeks, it'll suck, but it won't be dialup!

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You poor bastard... :x ~~ How fast is the wireless?? What is the price? Have you looked into satellite?

- Damon

BTW I saw you msged me on aim, I was JUST getting back to my machine and BAM, you signed off :( ~~ ttyl man... hurry up and get back to phx so we can kick it.

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Well, satellite is a $600 install and $120/mo, for like 512k/256k service... DEFINITELY NOT WORTH IT! The wireless though is 512k/256k for $40/mo with a $200 install ($150 if I sign for a year), or $60 for 1024k/256k.

It should be ok... too bad commspeed doesn't tell you what they really have, they just make people believe they have mad bandwidth. lol

I may be down in phx for a few days next month, if I am, we'll have to grab a pizza or some shiz.

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no, man. :twisted: still, cable O//||s yours, man. hehehe.

look at my stat speed

::: Download Stats :::

Connection is: 4759 kbps about 5 Mbit (tested with 800 KB)

Download Speed is: 581 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 2071386 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 85 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s)

see? cable owns your 56k'er.

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