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I am trying to run an internal NAT on my home network....I have several clients running on Windows XP Pro, and a server running on Windows 2003 Server....what I would like to do is have the server running on one NAT, with the clients running on the other NAT, so that the server cannot be accessed using UNC or IP addresses.  I have successfully done this....however, the clients now cannot access the internet.  Network resources are no problem, but I cannot get outside the gateway.  My gateway address is, the internal router address is, and all client addresses are 192.168.2.x.  DNS in the gateway is turned off, but forwarded to the server (the server is on the same NAT as the gateway), and DHCP is off.  I am running static IPs on all client computers.  I have asked a few of my professors about this, and they say that having static or dynamic IPs doesn't matter really, as long as static IPs are registered in the router table, which they are.  Anyway, is there a network topology problem?  If I'm not specific enough, or too specific, let me know...I'd appreciate any help!

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Alright I have a simular setup at my home...  I use a dlink and a nokia hardware router/firewall with smoothwall.

What I have done is that dink( connects to the modem.. Then from port 4 it runs into the nokia with an ip of  The DNS is handled by the dlink and DMZ is configured so that all traffic passes to the nokia.  I have DHCP turned on for both.. but static ip address set.. The reason is that the dink is a wifi and I VLAN my switch so that no other ports are active or have access to the server segment.

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