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I had a DW4000 before i decided to switch to this one and on the 4000 i had 2 other computers hooked up to the network, now that i have the 7000 how would i get the other 2 computers running again off of my computer? i had a netgear router (not wireless)?? any help would be awesome thanks

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I am not a dway exert by any means.. their setup scares me.. if have an ethernet cable from the sat.. run it into the wan port of the router.  then you should be able to connect all of your computers, via ethernet, to the router and share the internet..  php would know.. i believe he has this system and has it networked..

BTW welcome to the forum!

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Make sure you have uninstalled the dw software from the other two machines.  Remove any extra network settings that you had in place.  Set your NIC cards to obtain IP addresses automatically.

Connect the ethernet cable coming from the DW7000 to the WAN/INTERNET port on the router, and connect each computer to the other LAN ports.  It should be plug and play from there.

There are no extra jacks on the modem, unless you are talking about a DW7700, which is only availible though VARs for business.

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