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have seen a few posts here about comcast boost, and some other post about another provider's boost, and a ccs file for that one, but nothing about a comcast ccs file for their boost.

not knowing or totally understanding the boost, other than comcast gives you more download when you request it(?)

am running windows xp, comcast 6000/384, nothing else, what changes can i made to my 6000/384 ccs file to take advantage of the boost, or do i need to do anything, or is there already a ccs file out here for comcast boost?

assistance always appreciated!


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not knowing or totally understanding the boost, other than Comcast gives you more download when you request it(?)



How long will PowerBoost work?

PowerBoost uses a technology that provides temporary bursts of speed above your normal speed (6 Mbps/384 Kbps or 8 Mbps/768 Kbps).  PowerBoost is allocated depending on the size of the file being downloaded or uploaded.  PowerBoost will give you a burst of speed when it is needed, but it will not be constant.


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you say "no" but yet the xplanation you give is what i basically said, that "when you d/l or u/l something (requested or needed) comcast gives a burst of speed.

i understand it's not constant, but if a person's settings, as in the ccs files, was not set to optimum, a person probably wouldn't be able to take full advantage of the constant speed, as well as the powerboost speed.

so i was wondering (original question) if there was a ccs file designed to maximize this power boost.

evidently not?


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now were talking semantics.

when i click to download a file, i am, for the sake of general discussion, requesting the powerboost, because, comcast says they will boost my download speed when i want to download a file.

when i click to download a file, i am, for the sake of general discussion, needing the powerboost, because, comcast says they will boost my download speed when i want to download a file.

requesting = needing = wanting = paid for $$$


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK I now understand what you were referring to (.ccs). There is no setting with in windows that will allow you to  to user PowerBoost for longer then what it was intended to, or make it faster for that matter. That is all contolled by the .cm file that is downloaded to the modem. Now if you are thinking that you want to raise your RWIN, to accommodate for the speed increase, you have to consider the fact that if you make it to large its going to be detrimental to your standard speed.

I hope that answered it some what... if you need me to go farther in dept send me a PM.

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