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MP3 Player Question....

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Okay okay...I dunno if you guys are able to help me out with this but heres the deal.  I bought an mp3 player off of eBay thats a knockoff off of one I saw at CompUSA....heres a link of the one on ebay


and heres the one from CompUSA


ok so my question is this.....both are pretty much the same hardware wise (except mines a 2GB...Centon also offers that but they dun sell it at CompUSA) well what Im guessin is that what changes between the both is the firmware...maybe.....so y question is this....is there anyway that I can find and get the firmware off of the centon one cause the firmware on the ebay one sucks ass.....or is there any other site with any other good firmware that i can download into the player itself or do i juss have to suck it up and deal with the pretty much sucky firmware on the eBay one I bought.

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Firmware is built for that specific hardware.  If you tried to burn firmware into a player it wasn't designed for, you would likely break the player completely.  The best that you can do is try to upgrade your firmware to the newest version by looking at the website of the manufacturer of the player you bought and seeing if there is any new firmware available for your specific model of player.

sorry :(

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It's no problem at all, good luck with that and let me know how it works out for you.

We're all new at stuff at one time :) That's why testmy is such a great place. With this many talented and knowledgable people, SOMEONE will know how to answer everyone's questions.

... 'course I'll always be a bad speller, but it's my fingers fault! Really, they're dislexic! :haha:

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