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:) That doesn't make sense because you have it maxed out. If you have plenty of room left on your drive it should be able to hold many many days,I would first try turning it off and reset and turning it back on. The issue I see is that it should work properly because it is keeping one days setting. There is no way that I have ever seen that this is possible due to settings, that would mean a corrupt file somewhere IMO. Try off and on and let us know in the meantime I will look at some other settings and tips..btw is this home or pro??

8) Microwave

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With the System Restore Utility, once you hit the maximum MB of storage space, your oldest SRP will be deleted to make room for the new.  Go into your control panel, then System, then the System Restore 'tab', disable it to dump everything, then go right back into it and re-enable it.  Then make THREE System Restore Points to reset it in your Registry, reboot and you should be out of the woods.  If not, IM me and we'll dig deeper, or post to my part of the Forums so that I won't overlook you.  I am swamped with between the Forums and the new server at the moment. 


The Reverend

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Guest helloimtim

I dont recomend you do this by any means!! Myself I have the restore shut off, realy helped out my pc speed. I have seen how the system restore has problems and does not work the best. Is this true. I would value your imput. I want to say one more time. DONT shut off your system restore. I am not going to suggest that to anyone. Works for me personally but it may not for you. I would apreciate your imput......peace.......im out

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I didn't say to shut it off!  I said to shut it off, then re-enable it again!  This is the only way to clean out the junk that is hogged up and preventing it from working right.  Just disabled it then re-enable it and it will work just fine.  I do it all the time but I NEVER run my machines without the System Restore on ......it's just too handy not to have!


The Reverend

*What I am describing is working splendidly for a $40,000.00 computer complex.  I am sure that it will work just as good with an XP Computer sitting in a house!  :)

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:) I was trying to say the same thing Reverand......just didn't come out right..LOL many ppl don't like system restore I happen to use it because I see no slow down by doing so. I feel especially for any novice user it can save a lot of headaches, although I will add that its not always  effective but when it is it can save many hours of tedious work... I think its another one of these personal preference issues.... IMO....good luck.. :)

8) Microwave

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