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Sorry Guys....

I have a stupid problem... I set up PHP & Apache and when i go to install phpBB it says that;

The PHP configuration on your server doesn't support the database type that you chose


php MySQL extension not loaded !!

Check in php.ini if extension=php_mysql.dll is enabled, and that the extension_dir = is pointing to your php/ext folder.

Copy libmySQL.dll from your Mysql/bin folder to c:/windows.

How do i get this to work.. Im a newbie to PHP...

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the ones you set up for mysql... there should be a root password..  try that.. if it works then create a new user and setup permissions as using root is a bad idea...

Is this on a windows box?  if so you might want to check out http://www.apachefriends.org and their xampp package..

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normally the default username for mysql is root and what ever password you set try that.

thanx brilliant mate....

but this is still here!

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in c:webstestdbmysql4.php on line 330

Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in c:webstestdbmysql4.php on line 331

phpBB : Critical Error

Could not connect to the database

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Here is a suggestion, don't use MySQL on a non-linux OS.. If your using Microsoft you might as well throw it out the window..  :twisted:

Get the current Slackware11 and load it onto your system and get your stable set-up up and running..

Regards, VyraX :aka: SirHOAXaLOT

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You only need 1CD, for a non-GUI install..

Everything has to be done from the command prompt - but hey that is life.. Its better that way, its more stable in the end, and less overhead on the CPU..

The full install with the KDE Desktop is 3.5gigs..

But like I said, only used 1CD on the end install on my box..

Which is running Nextech-Inc.com

Regards, VyraX

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just a suggestion if you want something really easy check out apache 2 triad. it has everything built into 1 install, swimmer also posted another one that is like it that is pertty easy.

but if you dont want to do that then you need to figure out your password. it must not be what you thing it is.

also insted of using localhost for the server name try or your local ip address.

and make sure the windows firewall is compleatly off.

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