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Need NAS capability with zing....and a zonk or two?

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I have been using 4 ADS Tech NAS devices now for about 6 months.  Got the barebones unit from Office Depot at half price ($69.95).  The CPU of the beast is actually made by the same ppl that make the Triton version but with more whistles.  Comes with no HD....you can put up to a 400GB puppy in there which is better than many.  It's Linux based, offers built in web server, ftp server, torrent server.  All of them performed well once I got over a few issues with directory locking and ftp (always disable the FTP portion while doing local work on the drive or baaad things happen..), a problem while annoying but easy to work around.  Not widely available everywhere (newegg has em, try Office Depot too as they were clearing them out) they are worth looking at. This is the ONLY device I have found in this price range with all the features...and they do work well once you learn the quirks.  I use them behind a router and have had no problems locally or remotely whatsoever....

I should note that the few reviews I have seen on the device have only been FAIR...but after reading them and with my experience my hunch is they just didn't know how to use them or get around the one quirk I mentioned above.  ADS support is minimal but anyone with reasonable tech experience will love this drive.


why dont you make your own nas. using opennas. its so much better then anyone you will buy.

Because I didnt want to dedicate a PC to it...nor the extra hardware size...these things are TINY.  I leave my router on and just the NAS drives and the ppl who need to get updates from me....well lets just say it's totally trouble free and since I have cough...unlimited bandwidth....not an issue for me....  your solution is great if you have the extra hardware and space to mess with that...I don't...plus this is hardware based....no software hassles....no hacker baby issues....they just work....

hmm... that is interesting..  I am still more for the full fledged hardware solution...  But it looks like a decent product.. would like to see 10/100/1000 interface on it..

Actually so would I.....that is a minor drawback but for what I use it for....really not needed....but still it would be nice.

why dont you make your own nas. using opennas. its so much better then anyone you will buy.


which one is the open nas project do you have a link

i have read a few tutorials with this one

looks good



which one is the open nas project do you have a link

i have read a few tutorials with this one

looks good


i actually ment free nas insted of open nas.

I was reading something before i wrote that abut open nas and thats why i typed that.  isnt finshed yet so there really isnt a website yet.

i actually ment free nas insted of open nas.

I was reading something before i wrote that abut open nas and thats why i typed that. isnt finshed yet so there really isnt a website yet.

Was wonderin about that....checked the site out anyway.....

Actually so would I.....that is a minor drawback but for what I use it for....really not needed....but still it would be nice.

I was quite surprised that it wasn't included because it looks like that site is more higher end video production equipment anyways..  O well..

I was quite surprised that it wasn't included because it looks like that site is more higher end video production equipment anyways..  O well..

The device is actually a exact replica of the triton device except the ADS device has the torrent client built in and Triton does not. 

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