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I would just call them, since either way you are are going to have to(if you have a xanax or any other drugs around, you may want to take them prior to calling..  :haha: ) .  If you are capped...You have to call..If there is just a problem...You have to call.

What ever you do, DO NOT tell them you use file sharing programs or using bit torrent programs, as they will give you crap about it. 

If you do choose to use the torrents or any filesharing, go to options, and limit your upload speed, or you will just get capped again...Eventually they can say you violated their TOS, and then you are screwed....


:flipa: OOL :flipa:

I don't get it though, people who seed torrents upload like 100 KB/s.. how come they dont get capped? Can you hide what you Upload somehow?

looks like you are capped so call optimum and get the capped removed and sorry you cant hide it from them cause they give it to you and see everything.

docsQosMIB.          = [Octet-string] "OOL-Upgrade-DS"

docsQosMIB.          = [Octet-string] "OOL-Upgrade-DS"

docsQosMIB.          = [Octet-string] "OOL-Upgrade-DS"

docsQosMIB.          = [integer32]    3

docsQosMIB.          = [integer32]    3

docsQosMIB.          = [integer32]    3

docsQosMIB.          = [integer32]    0

docsQosMIB.          = [integer32]    0

docsQosMIB.          = [integer32]    0

docsQosMIB.          = [Gauge32]      150000

docsQosMIB.          = [Gauge32]      150000  THIS SHOULD BE 2000000

docsQosMIB.          = [Gauge32]      150000

docsQosMIB.          = [Gauge32]      15000000

docsQosMIB.          = [Gauge32]      15000000

docsQosMIB.          = [Gauge32]      15000000

Guest kamil234

I don't get it though, people who seed torrents upload like 100 kB/s.. how come they dont get capped? Can you hide what you Upload somehow?

some companies cap you, some dont.

i upload over 200kB/s whenever i download something, i never get capped..

and i download stuff like everyday

also, if you encrypt traffic, you can only download from people who have encryption on, hence the lower download speeds

but, if you encrypt the traffic, i dont think it matters your ISP still sees the data usage and all the packets sent dont they?

i have never been capped and i had it for almost 10 years when we had the lan modems.  i get pretty good speeds all the time and sometimes in a blue moon hit the cap.  other than that its a better deal than verizons 5/30 for me cause i have web hosting (www.eebobb.com) with mine for free and i pay $45 a month. there is more i can add but what does verizon offer but the speed?

Actually verizon does give us hosting for a small website, and online storage for files, neither of which I use...

For me it was simple

$45 for 10/1, but in our area we never got half of that, and I spent half the week talking to tech support.


$49 for 30/5, which we always get full speed, and I have never had to call them...

dont know what a fap is but he got capped at 150 kbps  by OOL for uploading too much and that had got to be alot cause i upload gigs a day with no problems at all.  also from what i see any cable isp will cap you for overuse of the service like running bit torrent full speeds for too long.

dont know what a fap is but he got capped at 150 Kbps  by OOL for uploading too much and that had got to be alot cause i upload gigs a day with no problems at all.  also from what i see any cable isp will cap you for overuse of the service like running bit torrent full speeds for too long.

FAP=Fair Access Policy

I'm aware of no cable companies that actually enforce such.....it would just be bad business all the way around.  If this is indeed the case with OOL I see now why you guys hate them so much and I too would not be very happy with them.

With OOL, it's all about what node you are on...

I was on an extremely oversold node, and they would not split it..Plus, I was promised a refund from OOL, and that never came, even after calling to ask the status of the refund.

Our service was so bad at times(sunrise till about 2am), that we were constantly dropping packets, and the speeds were anywhere from 56Kbps-2,000Kbps(when it was supposed to be 10,000Kbps at the time)....Plus, there were days that our modem wouldn't synch for almost 30 minutes..So if god forbid you liked to turn off your electrical equipment before leaving the house, so LIPA doesn't rape you, you had to wait a half hour for the internet to "warm up" before you got an IP address...Only took them 3 months to figure that one out...  :angry5: ....OK, I have to stop the rant now....To be honest, if their customer support was in the least bit friendly, I probably wouldn't hate them so much.

For years they were fine, then they oversold our node, did nothing to remedy the situation, and then flat out lied about a refund...

mine syncs up in like 20 seconds and my speeds are about 22 to 28 mb download and about 3.5 to 4.5 mb upload when i do speed tests.  i also get 450 mb of space for web hosting and i can run alot of stuff to make a website with it.  i'm gonna get fios too when its out cause i know its gonna be good too.  :D  cant wait actually  :!:

Guest kamil234

Plus, there were days that our modem wouldn't synch for almost 30 minutes..So if god forbid you liked to turn off your electrical equipment before leaving the house, so LIPA doesn't rape you, you had to wait a half hour for the internet to "warm up" before you got an IP address...

its cause you have bad power level (or whatever it is) going to the modem, i had that too, than they came and installed new splitters in my house and everything and the modem connects in like 30 seonds. it used to take 10+ minutes

its cause you have bad power level (or whatever it is) going to the modem, i had that too, than they came and installed new splitters in my house and everything and the modem connects in like 30 seonds. it used to take 10+ minutes

Mine was a totally different problem that had nothing to do with power levels....Trust me I tried new splitters well before I ever called them...You could go out to the pole, and plug in the modem, and it would still take 30min.  They changed the drop, and we changed all our coaxial in the house, along with new splitters, and it made no differrence.  I was never exactly told what the problem was(other than it was a problem with the entire node), but nobody ever stepped in my home or anywhere near it to fix it, and it took them over 3 months to repair it.

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