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test results isp orange-gsm.com


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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 574 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 748 kB)

Download Speed is:: 70 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/11/03 - 4:11pm

Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 14.63 sec

Tested from a 748 kB file and took 10.672 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 21.47 % of your hosts average (orange-gsm.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-7S16IAH4Z

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) [!]

how can y incrase my speed since y am using just 21.47% of my host average???

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y don't know but the internet is not working with the speed from the test: 70KB/second

y have an internet meter that shows me the speed of download and upload y can say that the speed y had sow fr was max 10KB-long time ago for about 10 seconds, but now the average speed is about 3 or even 6 KB/second.

how can y make my internet conection work faster, like in the test: 70KB/ second??? :angry:

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my isp in orange-gsm.com

y am conectec to the internet throw my cell phone, , y am using a service from my phone company called wap unlimited-service designed exclusive for cell phone usage-surfing the internet via phones wap browser.

at the moment is the only way y can acces the internet-don't say y abuse the sistem.

sow whay am y having this speeds on the test and whay am y using just 22% of the speed(the speed says that but my internet meter software shows me that my speed is a lot more slower-~the average~5 KB, but y dat moments when y had 10KB for about 10 sec

y am conected using GPRS technologies and y am having a WAp 2.0 cell phone

how cam y incrase the speed??

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dumy1dumy "running at only 21.47 % of your hosts average (orange-gsm.com) " simply means that with all the packages on your ISP you are at this percentage.

For instance. DSL. Say you compare 1.5 &3.0 & 6.0. Well the average of all speeds would be say 3000 kbps average. That does not mean a 1.5 connection shoud be able to reach those speeds. Nor does it mean that the 6.0 has to go that slow. Just an average of all packages.  :wink2:

That is why you need to know your ISP's advertised speeds to you.

Tried to look up your speeds on the net., but to no good.

Hope this helped.

And welcome to the forum dumy1dumy  :wave::welcome:

And Sparticus013 he lives in Romania.  :wink2:

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dumy1dumy "running at only 21.47 % of your hosts average (orange-gsm.com) " simply means that with all the packages on your ISP you are at this percentage.

For instance. DSL. Say you compare 1.5 &3.0 & 6.0. Well the average of all speeds would be say 3000 Kbps average. That does not mean a 1.5 connection shoud be able to reach those speeds. Nor does it mean that the 6.0 has to go that slow. Just an average of all packages.  :wink2:

That is why you need to know your ISP's advertised speeds to you.

Tried to look up your speeds on the net., but to no good.

Hope this helped.

And welcome to the forum dumy1dumy  :wave::welcome:

And Sparticus013 he lives in Romania.  :wink2:

Ohh, I see. I was wondering...  :haha:

Welcome to TMN dumy1dumy  :grin2:

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