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Got FIOS? Better hope you don't cut your fiber to the house....

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A local resident here was shocked to find out that Verizon would splice the fiber that his wife cut accidently while in the garden.....what he didn't expect was the $595.00 bill that came with it!

Cough...Cough...um....we have people cutting our cables on a daily basis...we don't charge them a dime to repair them.....anybody see anything wrong with this picture?

Splice is about $40 including labor......

In that case then  :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: take some buddies on a little trip to the main office. And negotiate.  :wink:

By the way, can you say TRIPLE POST!   :2funny: :2funny:

In that case then  :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: take some buddies on a little trip to the main office. And negotiate.  :wink:

Heh...ever tried to find your actual Verizon office?  When ya do they are like the pentagon....all walls, no visible doors and when ya do find a door its like 3 feet thick....what does that tell ya?

:evil: i would be happy if they get the billing right so far 3 months have been wrong. I would drop FIOS but the old phone wires have been cut. Guess I will have to wait till this billing and hope.  I see your point makes you wonder what they do with all the cash. :twisted:


:evil: i would be happy if they get the billing right so far 3 months have been wrong. I would drop FIOS but the old phone wires have been cut. Guess I will have to wait till this billing and hope.  I see your point makes you wonder what they do with all the cash. :twisted:


Welcome to TMN ddeviltlc  :smile2:

:evil: i would be happy if they get the billing right so far 3 months have been wrong. I would drop FIOS but the old phone wires have been cut. Guess I will have to wait till this billing and hope.  I see your point makes you wonder what they do with all the cash. :twisted:


Welcome to the forum ddeviltlc :wave::welcome:

I'll take that FIOS if you are tired of it. I'll even throw in my satelite connection. 500/50. No charge.  :azn:

And by the way Sparticus013 ISPgeek did a

TRIPLE POST!   :2funny: :2funny:

Welcome to the forum ddeviltlc :wave::welcome:

I'll take that FIOS if you are tired of it. I'll even throw in my satelite connection. 500/50. No charge.  :azn:

And by the way Sparticus013 ISPgeek did a

Okay Okay....I tripple posted once...but I didn't inhale!!!

Okay Okay....I tripple posted once...but I didn't inhale!!!

And Monica did not swallow.  :tongue8:  :twisted:

It sounds like FIOS is deserving of profits if they can provide faster speeds and such, at such prices. Just wish someone would provide something better to folks who live a little farther out, besides satelite, or over priced stuff like T-1.

The farmers of america deserve to have it for their kids also. (of course I want it too.  :grin2: )

Well I could not let a triple get away. Those are rare rascals. Seldom seen in the light of day.  :lol: And worth a 100 test my bucks reward.  :wink2:

lol... thats alot of money to be fixing a wire like that

I would guess that is where they actually get their profit. You know like a bank makes a little on the interest, but they clean up on bounced checks and such. $$$. I would be learning how to fix it for sure.

Well I could not let a triple get away. Those are rare rascals. Seldom seen in the light of day.  :lol: And worth a 100 test my bucks reward.  :wink2:I would guess that is where they actually get their profit. You know like a bank makes a little on the interest, but they clean up on bounced checks and such. $$$. I would be learning how to fix it for sure.

Whats funny is I was responding to you so fast I had like 5 windows open and somehow duplicated them.....needless to say it was 101% rookie. 

You'll figure out the forum. I only had one window open, on a satelite 500/50 connection, with a mediocre comp.  :2fast: And no double post.  :wink2:

Anyway, I sure would like to try out a FIOS connection sometime. But it is not scheduled for MO at anytime soon.  :angry5:

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