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Can Cable IPs Place Caps on Broadband Download Streams?

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I seem to find mounting evidence that my cable IP (Shaw Canada) is capping streaming video downloads in terms of broadband width.

I use WinME. I have purchased one streaming video package and have trial access to another - both providing the same content.

The sample clips. provided by the first are actual streaming, the second is a DAT download to a temp folder. The first streams at 511 (or 500+) and steadily, the second at 285 (precisely) and steadily.

The actual streams (not run simutaneously) with Cablenut adjustments set (Van Buren tried-out) produce an acceptable stream of 311 and 532 respectively. The former (311) becomes reliable after an hour or so; the latter (532) streams for about 90secs and then this message appears at the head of a white screen:

"No Internet Connection available to contact Willowtv Portal". On contacting their support team, and I quote, this response:

"The error faced by you - "No Internet Connection available to contact Willow TV Portal! " generally appears when there is insufficient bandwidth. This could happen either because of temporary fluctuation at your ISP's side or some network congestion in the route which clears up usually soon. Also, another possibility could be when your machine is having multiple instances of browser or significant Internet activity in progress. As live streaming requires a minimum bandwidth of 400Kbps available for undisturbed viewing, we advise you to verify your Internet speed when you face this problem again or close other programs that may be utilizing your bandwidth.

Should you continue to face the problem in spite of everything is in order on your machine; we suggest you report this intermittent issue to your ISP as well." doesn't mean much to me (Iam a novice in matters streaming).

But it does occur to me that if my IP 'declined' broadband streaming over, say 400, this may account for my experience. The drop-out is so regular (at 90secs +- 1 or 2) that it suggests a deliberate capping by my IP.

I took several Download Tests at the time (no streaming runnig) they were so low (in terms of my IPs average as to make me further question this entire situation. I have extracted the relevant lines of three tests run in a 10 min period:

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 6.91 % of your hosts average (shawcable.net)

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 6.36 % of your hosts average (shawcable.net)

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 5.21 % of your hosts average (shawcable.net)

Any suggestions much appreciated.


Hello and welcome to the site. Hope you like it here. As far as your problem the only way I can see them doing that is limiting BW to certain ported programs. They have been known to throttle back bandwidth to ports that BitTorrent clients use. If you have the option to change ports in your programs try changing the port to some weird off number. Sorry I couldnt be of much help.

Thanks, Shug7272,

Yes I have read of that lowering of BW for P2P but this is legit paid for stuff. I would have post in the Shaw Communications forum but it seems 'dead' with only two posts.

I am dead ignorant about ports. I have a router and I did take it out but that made no diffrence. So when you say "If you have the option to change ports in your programs try changing the port to some weird off number" I admit I don't know how.

Thanks for the welcome. I have seen some of your many posts here - you are a regular - good to 'meet' you.


Thanks, Shug7272,

Yes I have read of that lowering of BW for P2P but this is legit paid for stuff. I would have post in the Shaw Communications forum but it seems 'dead' with only two posts.

I am dead ignorant about ports. I have a router and I did take it out but that made no diffrence. So when you say "If you have the option to change ports in your programs try changing the port to some weird off number" I admit I don't know how.

Thanks for the welcome. I have seen some of your many posts here - you are a regular - good to 'meet' you.


Nice to meet you as well  :grin2: yea Im deffinantly a regular here, I love the place and I am always happy to see new members and do the meet and greet. Im a people person  :evil6:. Generally if a program will allow you to change the ports it uses it will be in the options area of that program. It is simple, just find out in the options area what port the program is using and change it to something like 12456. Any random number. The programs you are using may not allow you to do this so I may just be waisting your time. I may be way off base that is just the first thing to pop into my head. We have alot of brains here that may know better what to do, but they probably wont be around much today due to Thanksgiving. I will move this to the help section, it doesnt really matter if a section is dead looking, when you post it will come up on the front page for all to see. Plus most of our regulars use the function that allows them to view all new posts since they were last here so they would see yours too.  :grin2: I would call the isp over and over untill they fix it.

Hi, Shug7272

As you suggest I have started a 'campaign' with Shaw Cable. The streaming interface? on the one I have paid for is normal WMP and on the trial one is what I think is WMP but is somehow 'embedded'? in a webpage. WMP has Options but probably not telling me what port the streaming is using. The other has some settings to do with Zoom and some choices to do with Default or HTTP or TCP/IP.or UDP and Network 1 thru 4. None of which changed anything except that Network 4 didn't work - period.

All of which is meaningless to me. I began my computing life six years ago at 65 and I get more stupid as the years pass!!

I do have a Linksys router but removing it makes not a bit of difference.

Have a happy Thanksgiving and thanks from me.


Stay on em they should fix it unless it is a problem with the software, but I cant imagine it being a software problem spread over so many programs. Dont feel bad Im 26 and I was smart untill about oh 4 years ago :2funny: (my first daughter was born 4 years ago). I already lost it. Thank you for the happy thanksgiving. I am at work so I cant delve into this as much as I would like to. Check back, i will look into it some more and we have others like Swimmer and Van that are the real deal tech guys. Im a self taught tech guy.  :evil6: Im pretty good and I learn alot here daily but we have some that are wonderful, I am sure they will help out as well. Let us know if you get it figured out, you never know who it might help on down the road.  :grin2:

it could laso be that the streaming video proveider oversold the bandwidth they have, ot expecting all the customers they sold to to use the service that much, causing congestion on their end. of course they would never tell you about this.

Welcome to the forum aarhus2004..

Looking over what you described is fairly interesting.. 

You can detect what port WMP is running on by running netstat -a when the stream is active.  Start -> Run -> type cmd press enter -> type netstat -a.

You should be able to see all of the ports that are currently open and listening for connections.    One of these ports is going to be the one used for the stream.  I tried it on CNN's site with the embed free news reports and found this.

TCP    mobile:1614            wms-dtc1n-cnnvip.stream.aol.com:554  TIME_WAIT

TCP    mobile:1615            stgwms-dtc1n-4.stream.aol.com:554  TIME_WAIT

So try that and then repost what ports you found the streams were using.  If it turns out that they are just generic port it could be that the ISP is limiting traffic because like shug said they most likely oversold their bandwidth. 

One other question..  When you download stuff off the Internet from say Microsoft or Mozilla Foundation.  Do the download speeds start fast then as the download progresses get slower and slower and slower to the point that the speed drops below 100Kbps?

Little update... What plan are you on?  Looking at how shaw has their network setup, using monthly quotas, they have out sold their bandwidth big time.  I am going to guess that you are on the 39.99 plan that includes 60GB of traffic per month. 

With out seeing the TOS from Shaw I am going to guess that the monthly transfer includes both upload and download in that 60GB.  That being said and since it is the 25th of the month it is very possible that you have exceded the 60Gb transfer limit.  They by they are capping you speed down to the next level which looks to be 256k down and 128k up.. I havent looked at your test results yet but I am going to guess that it is around that speed..

So that means that you have about 2gb per 24 hours on average.  This is not a lot of traffic!  I know that I struggled as an IT major in the dorms to keep my connection below the 6Gb combined limit per 24 hours.  I dont download movies but I do listen to a lot of online radio and I download my fair share of software.

So how to correct the situtation.. The best option would be to call Shaw first and see what the 60Gb limit includes.  It was most likely in the TOS that you agreed to but it would be more fun to talk to someone at the company and see if they even know.  As most ISPs have a hidden transfer limit and at that point you just get a letter in you bill to quit downloading all of the movies.  You also might want to ask if there is a website they you can access to monitor you monthly traffic limits.

The next best option would be to get rid of Shaw.  ISPs that monitor your overall bandwidth in terms of transfer limits are just not a great idea.  They are always able to scam you out of the bandwidth that you paid for.  For example..  I got onto the linux craze last year and decided to download the ISO for Suse linux.. The problem it was 3.4GB.  So that was over my limit of 3GB download.  However, I had 3GB per 24 hours.  So I started at 9 and thought midnight my new 3GB will come into effect and I will be fine.. That didnt happen because it was a 'rolling' 24 hours.  That being said dump Shaw if you can afford to.

So there you go.. I have a feeling that this is your problem.. If not then we can look into other things.

Welcome to the forum aarhus2004..

Looking over what you described is fairly interesting.. 

You can detect what port WMP is running on by running netstat -a when the stream is active.  Start -> Run -> type cmd press enter -> type netstat -a.

You should be able to see all of the ports that are currently open and listening for connections.    One of these ports is going to be the one used for the stream.  I tried it on CNN's site with the embed free news reports and found this.

TCP    mobile:1614            wms-dtc1n-cnnvip.stream.aol.com:554  TIME_WAIT

TCP    mobile:1615            stgwms-dtc1n-4.stream.aol.com:554  TIME_WAIT

So try that and then repost what ports you found the streams were using.  If it turns out that they are just generic port it could be that the ISP is limiting traffic because like shug said they most likely oversold their bandwidth. 

One other question..  When you download stuff off the Internet from say Microsoft or Mozilla Foundation.  Do the download speeds start fast then as the download progresses get slower and slower and slower to the point that the speed drops below 100kbps?

Bout time you get here so I can quit pretending like I know what Im doing.  :evil6:

Yea Swimmer got it, that makes since. Thats why your the man.  :grin2: That and the whole hung like a bull elephant thing. Dont deny it, Ive been in the locker room with you... looks like a babys arm holding a apple.  :shock:

Alright after a little research I was able to find the Shaw TOS...  Here is what it says in regards to bandwidth:

You must ensure that your activity while using the Services does not improperly restrict, inhibit or degrade any other customer

Welcome to the forum aarhus2004..

Looking over what you described is fairly interesting.. 

You can detect what port WMP is running on by running netstat -a when the stream is active.   Start -> Run -> type cmd press enter -> type netstat -a.

You should be able to see all of the ports that are currently open and listening for connections.    One of these ports is going to be the one used for the stream.  I tried it on CNN's site with the embed free news reports and found this.

TCP    mobile:1614            wms-dtc1n-cnnvip.stream.aol.com:554  TIME_WAIT

TCP    mobile:1615            stgwms-dtc1n-4.stream.aol.com:554  TIME_WAIT

So try that and then repost what ports you found the streams were using.  If it turns out that they are just generic port it could be that the ISP is limiting traffic because like shug said they most likely oversold their bandwidth.   

One other question..  When you download stuff off the Internet from say Microsoft or Mozilla Foundation.  Do the download speeds start fast then as the download progresses get slower and slower and slower to the point that the speed drops below 100Kbps?

Little update... What plan are you on?  Looking at how shaw has their network setup, using monthly quotas, they have out sold their bandwidth big time.  I am going to guess that you are on the 39.99 plan that includes 60GB of traffic per month. 

With out seeing the TOS from Shaw I am going to guess that the monthly transfer includes both upload and download in that 60GB.   That being said and since it is the 25th of the month it is very possible that you have exceded the 60GB transfer limit.  They by they are capping you speed down to the next level which looks to be 256k down and 128k up.. I havent looked at your test results yet but I am going to guess that it is around that speed..

So that means that you have about 2GB per 24 hours on average.  This is not a lot of traffic!  I know that I struggled as an IT major in the dorms to keep my connection below the 6GB combined limit per 24 hours.  I dont download movies but I do listen to a lot of online radio and I download my fair share of software.

So how to correct the situtation.. The best option would be to call Shaw first and see what the 60GB limit includes.  It was most likely in the TOS that you agreed to but it would be more fun to talk to someone at the company and see if they even know.  As most ISPs have a hidden transfer limit and at that point you just get a letter in you bill to quit downloading all of the movies.   You also might want to ask if there is a website they you can access to monitor you monthly traffic limits.

The next best option would be to get rid of Shaw.  ISPs that monitor your overall bandwidth in terms of transfer limits are just not a great idea.  They are always able to scam you out of the bandwidth that you paid for.  For example..  I got onto the linux craze last year and decided to download the ISO for Suse linux.. The problem it was 3.4GB.  So that was over my limit of 3GB download.  However, I had 3GB per 24 hours.  So I started at 9 and thought midnight my new 3GB will come into effect and I will be fine.. That didnt happen because it was a 'rolling' 24 hours.   That being said dump Shaw if you can afford to.

So there you go.. I have a feeling that this is your problem.. If not then we can look into other things.

Hello Swimmer,

Been offline - no power - lotsa snow.

I see Netstat is for WinXP I have WinME. Would this show something similar as a freeware?


I have High Speed with Shaw. And no my downloads don't drop off in speed but then I am talking about smallish freeware stuff - I don't download anything else.

I want to clarify what exactly is a download. Is streaming video which doesn't remain on my comp  considered by Shaw to be a download? I have been watching a game which runs for 7 hrs each day for five days. The stream is, if WMP9 is to be believed, an optimum of 411 kBps. I think its a capital B. If I multiply 411 x 60 (secs) x 60Mins x 7 what does that give me? Is there a better way of calculating the size of my daily download? If it is a download.

I have never even seen the Shaw TOS so was completely surprised by the 60GB limitation per month.

As far as I can tell, in this area (southern Vancouver Island) Shaw have the monopoly on Broadband cable so my option would be perhaps Telus. But at 71 with only 6 years computing and that on-line all with Shaw I am pretty clueless about a very great deal pertaining to ports, protocols, Network settings and so on. I am a single user on a home computer. I use a Linksys BEFSR11 router. 

Since I wrote the first post on the 23rd. I have had one day (out of seven) uninterrupted streaming over 7 hours. The problem I found was mine and lay in a corrupted registry as applied to an install of WMP9. It appeared as a response to my checking in WMP9 the option File Types . "Registry Error" was all I got. I ignored it!!

Realising something was up I did a format/install of WinME and upgraded the WMP7.1 to WMP9 again. This time it was OK.  But there have been other complications involving I.E.6 settings. I think I have those beat since I can view the sample clip from the site I am invested in. This one: http://www.cricketon.tv/Stream-Cricket.asp  In other words my experience before and today after our power blackout and cable down besides has a muddled history in my head!

But since I have got past the difficulty this morning with WMPs trying and failing to acquire a license by juggling settings in I.E.6 at least I hope that that tomorrow's new game will be available - unless Shaw is implicated.

My first post dwelt with Willowtv and until the game begins I can't check that out again. Its a freebie I have been given since their support made a series of boo boos. A better stream but larger 500+ but with no similar check method since their sample is a download temp DAT file - not a streaming one.

Shaw deny their D/L speed is poor. They sent me to their own test!! Also the one at Speedtest.net which yields OK results. They don't like this site's one!!!

Once again, Swimmer, sorry to have been late with this, and thanks to Shrug7272 and resopalrabotnick for their input.

Hello Swimmer, Shrug7272 or?

Shaw is capping my bandwidth usage. I need help determining what I can do with these limitations.

60GBs per month.

My stream is 411kbps. It runs (if I were to watch the full offering on each of five days) a total of 35 hours. I suspect I am way over the odds. So I must limit my watching. In December are three games for a total of 15 days, each day 7 hours long. Total hours = 105.

105 hours of stream at 411 kbps = 411 x 60 x 60 x 105 = 15,535,800 Kbs

15,535,800 Kbs = 1,5171.7 MBs = 14.82 GBs

Well that suggests I can do it but my math is probably haywire.

Help much apreciated!


I think my math is haywire. How about this.

The stream reports 401 kbits/second not Kbytes.

So now I conclude that 401/500 x .05960 = .04768 MBps

.04759 x 60 x 60 x *105 = 18,023.04 MB *for 3 games of 5days (7 hours per day) = *105 hrs total

18,023.04 MB/1024  =  17.600625 GBs for December's games.

How's that?


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