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wierd computer behavior

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Ok, so this all started when one of my computer fans was making some annoying noise so I opened up my case to figure out which one and I think that it was one of them in my power supply. There wasn't much I could do to try and get it to stop so I was about to put my case side back on and then outa nowhere my computer shuts down entirely. I restart it up and after it starts to load windows it just shuts off again. I restart again it and it does a chkdisk scan or whatever before windows starts up and when it is verifying file data it has to correct $I30 or in file 42621 or something like that, and then after the chkdisk is done windows started up fine and here I am typing on the forums.

I was just wondering was there just a corrupt file on my hard drive or something that made my computer shut down outta nowwhere?  My computer had never had any problems up until now.

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I had that problem once. Do you have a fan in the side of the case you were putting back on?

  I finally found that the connector to the fan in the case side was slightly loose. It would cause a spike/disturbance when bumped and cause the system to reboot, usually with a chkdisk (sometimes not) running. Making sure all connections were tight stopped the behaviour.

  This always happened when I was going into or replacing the side of the case with the power on.

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My computer hasnt done it since those first 2 times so I dunno. The temps in my case were / never are near anything that would make it shut down (usually under full load my MB is less than 40, less than 45 for the cpu and graphics never goes above 43). When I had my case open all the fans were running so the temps shoulda been around there. I think it was just a freak occurance. I was starting to freak out when it happened though because I've lost SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many files and stuff from my computers dying.

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