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My family finally caved into getting dsl where we live. It was installed Wednesday morning. I have been trying to download stuff and surf the web and half the time the connection is so bad i cant connect. When i run tests on here I get like ( 30+ KB dl and 14 ul). However when i actually download anything i rarely get a speed faster than 2-3KBps. Occasionally it spikes up to 20-30, but it only lasts a few minutes then falls back down to the 2-3. When I reset the modem and router, the speeds seems to be where it needs to be for a short time, but then back to spit. My wireless connection is very good at 54 Mbps.

I have already called the dsl company (Hughnet) or something like that and I was instructed to re-register and all that good crap. My problem continued....Any help???? :idiot2:

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Welcome to the forum Messiah4u  :wave::welcome:

Have you tried hooked directly into the modem bypassing the router in case it is the router causing problems.

Try reading and doing this stuff.

Achieve the Best Performance Out of Your Computer


It should speed things up a bit.

I saw that. Some of us do worse.  :grin2:

Also, where abouts are you from?

Here is another way to get in to Safe Mode with Networking. Hit Start then Run type mscofig in the box then OK. then click the tab BOOT.INI check the box Safeboot and the one next to it Networking hit apply then OK. To go back to normal do the same except uncheck the boxes Safeboot & Networking.

Sonds like you need to start using my start up procedure. Everytime before starting up,

1) restart modem (unhook modem cable and touch end for 10+ seconds with finger tip, reconnect)

2) defrag hard drive (disk defragmenter, start*all programs*accessories*system tools*disk defragmenter) most folks say it takes too long, but not if you do it everytime you start (maybe 30 seconds.

3) Disk cleanup.(found in the same place as the defragmenter) Mine runs a little better that way.

Hope this helps. And sometimes while I am running longer than normal, I will Disk cleanup again if it slows down. ( so every couple to three hours) :grin2:

And the "Also, where abouts are you from?" was as to distance from the server here, it sometimes has a factor in speeds.

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