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I got a Vizio 46" Gallevia HDTV for Christmas and I was wondering (if you had the same setup of course) do you have problems of the black around the edges also? Mine scratched really easy and it bugs me now. Does anyone know of how I can get rid of these minor scratches? Example of my HDTV http://www.vizio.com/products/detail.aspx?pid=9

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your going to get the black bars then the show you are watching is not broadcasted in 16:9.  You have to zoom to fill the screen.

I am not talking about anything close to what you speak of. Look at the HDTV linked that I posted. Do you see the black frame around it? It has a clear plastic coat over it and it scratches VERY easy and now is bothering the crap out of me. What is a GOOD well known scratch remover that will rid these marks? Thank you.

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looks like a nice setup you have....might check into this

scratch remover...i have never used it but it reads like it

will work for what you are wanting


That's what I was looking into. It's a nice setup, I am embarrassed to even show it off now though. The scratches are hideous. I don't know how a company could release it when it is this easy to scratch it.

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Well wyantm06, I have similar scratching on a plastic facing on something quite different...and haven't even TRIED what I'm about to suggest to you...but

WD-40 is supposed to be good fill-in for scratches on surfaces of that nature...might even try Armor-All! Watch where the sprays go tho, I suppose.

Neither could hurt permanently...keep the Windex or similar handy in case it's worse rather than better. Good cleaning first good idea too. I'd try it, but this advice comes with the typical 'disclaimer' [nerd]

Good night/day and hope you get a good idea. 'mo' :wink2:

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Well wyantm06, I have similar scratching on a plastic facing on something quite different...and haven't even TRIED what I'm about to suggest to you...but

WD-40 is supposed to be good fill-in for scratches on surfaces of that nature...might even try Armor-All! Watch where the sprays go tho, I suppose.

Neither could hurt permanently...keep the Windex or similar handy in case it's worse rather than better. Good cleaning first good idea too. I'd try it, but this advice comes with the typical 'disclaimer' [nerd]

Good night/day and hope you get a good idea. 'mo' :wink2:

I don't know about going that far. I am thinking about lugging this 90lb HDTV back to the store.

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I belong to costco and have seen the Vizio HDTV's they have and they are nice.

Not a member of Sam's but should go over and look and see what they have there.

Was wanting a bigger one and costco has the Vizio HDTV 47" with $250.00 coupon I just got in the mail. But that cost so much more I may get just a 32"

Then wait till next year to get a bigger and cheaper laser TV that also uses less power..


laser TV technology that can smack down LCDs and plasma displays because their idea costs half the price, looks twice as good, is half the weight and thickness, and only uses a quarter of the electricity.

They say it will be out for xmas 2007

There is also the SED Tv's that will be coming out.

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