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I have been with Verizon DSL for a couple yrs and although I had a DSL warranty plan with them, when the Westel 327 went out they didn't have any replacements, so they said I had to buy one, and I purchased this 2 wire 1800hg. Didn't come with software............

I just spent about 8 fruzztrating hours trying to get it to do its thing.

I feel like I am running with scissors in a blindfold after today.

*I called Verizon and talked to five people over 1.5 hrs, all kept transfering me, and saying I needed to call a number. I called the number and it was ATT....not even close to VERIZON and they (ATT) hung up on me four times. 2wire is closed on the weekends I found out after calling 8 times trying to get them.*

One concern is I went to reset it with the button, and I have a HOLE not a button. Don't know where this 1800hg had been before, (was advertised new) but the button is gone, not in the box or anything.

The topper is every 15 min it reboots automatically.......when it does this by itself, I have to reboot the homeportal WITH the computer together to even get everybody to talk to each other LOL..  I thought it might be power issue, but it does this whether plugged into the surgebar or wall.  Wiring is all good in my house and has served me well with prevous twobox setup.

when homeportal autom reboots, it will sit with power light on only for up to 20 min....so I have to reboot puter then with the homeportal, and when I do, takes about 5 min. exactly after I reboot them together only then the 2wire comes to life suddenly with all lights consistent.

I can hear the lil reset button rattling around in there...)

down and up speeds suck with this 2wire homeportal

with my two box system of Verizon 6100 modem and Linksys wrt54gs, had speeds close or better to my subscribed rate

subscribed rate 3M up and down

I had previously tweaked my old setup before this homeportal:  the 6100/linksys and was getting 3.5-4.5M down and up average ..NICE!

Really wanted to get away from the two box system

homeportal stats are 568/78 UGH

so my concerns............

1) the speeds

2) the autom rebooting

3) still thinking about that lil reset button inside


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thanks for the welcome and also quick reply :):)

Am hoping, will find out tomorrow.......

will let you guys know in case I am stuck with this.

Tommy, do you think everything has to do with the non-reset button?? or do I have some settings somewhere we can do re: cycling and speeds?


I have no idea. I just know it needs to be there. Anything I might buy like that would get returned if it were me. It was assembled improperly. And who wants to get it running only to have to shut it down later only to have to reset anything, when it should be right before starting it up in the first place.

Just my thoughts.  :smiley:

wellllllll tommy it has been a good Monday...and I hope you had one too :)

I ranted and raved to the co. I bought the "new" 1800hg from and they are issuing a postage paid slip and will return my $.

Additionally I am getting a new Actiontec highspeed  (sp?) aio from Verizon, cause I was in the mood for more ranting and raving  after I got done with the co.I bought the 2wire from, so I started in on Verizon! and got results there too!  Free new modemrouter will be here in three days from Vrzn.

yipppeeeee skippppeeeeeeee

Not too many days like this in my life, so will savor the moment

<img src=http://www.amodernfairytale.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/Happy.banana.gif>

one tiny burp...............Verizon called back and said in reviewing my records with the 3 Westell modemrouters I had from them on warranty-replacements over time - , they have to charge me $2.50 a month for covering

1) ANY warranty on this Actiontec


2) here's the rub...ANY calls from me to tech support. My acct has been flagged and if I have ANY questions or trouble with ANYthing DSL or router, that is what the charge is for.

!!!!! !!!! and even more !!!!!!!!! and even some @&*(#$^&(@#(*@#&*(^$

is there a Verizon tech in the house here that can verify this?

I haven't been the problem child here! except consistent whining about the 327w problems.

(to take a step back, when i got my first Westel from Vrzn, I wrote the Westel co. and they wrote back that "it had been such a poorly mfd product in their line, Vrzn bought them all, and they(Westel) had since found the problerms they had with the 327w and corrected them in a newer model)."

Oh well, I guess all's well that almost ends well!

That sounds like Verizon's insurance on cell phones. They give me the same identical crap.  :tickedoff: " We only provide up to 2 phones on your insurance, so for 2 years we have cancelled you. ( got them in less than a year)  :icon_scratch:

But like you said, alls well that ends well.  :grin2:

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