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I just started using Google Calendar, and I was wonder if there's any program available for it.  I want something that I can use on my PC just as a standalone program, but also I want it to 'synchronize' with Google Calendar automatically...is there such a thing?  (preferably free)

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why would you give google the information you should be keeping in outlook or something like that? or one of the many free calendar programs?

So i can access it from any computer.

that, and because all the stuff on the calendar isn't anything super personal, its just test dates, school calendar, etc, so i don't really mind if Google has that info or not.

why would you give google the information you should be keeping in outlook or something like that? or one of the many free calendar programs?

The don't actually see your information. Its not like someone at google is going around and looking at your calendar.

everyone is all up in arms about identity theft. and then noone thinks twice before letting google and others, but especially google mine you for personal information. who is to say that the calendars set up by users aren't systematically scanned for interesting info that google can use itself or worse, sell. same goes for gmail, their toolbars and all the other services they offer "free". why do you think they don't charge money to use them? because you pay them with information, which is far more valuable.

everyone is all up in arms about identity theft. and then noone thinks twice before letting google and others, but especially google mine you for personal information. who is to say that the calendars set up by users aren't systematically scanned for interesting info that google can use itself or worse, sell. same goes for gmail, their toolbars and all the other services they offer "free". why do you think they don't charge money to use them? because you pay them with information, which is far more valuable.

But still no person will ever see it, the ads that are displayed by what you put in the calandar or even in your email with gmail are controled by a bot. no body see's what you are typing in it. and google sure as hell isnt going to sell your info, thats way to much of a risk for them.

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