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I am really enjoyed new TCP setting as bigger RWIN size and other like MTU, MSS, etc... isn't necessary to change a setting...

I am planning to buy another new cable modem to add it and get second premier account at same as my premier account so i will plug a new cable modem (SB5101 or SB120) into second LAN port so i would pwn3d avg cable high speed users with total of 40Mbps as bonded speeds as two cable modems are plugged into my computer of two LAN ports so I am cable motorbike!  :thefinger: XD so I am acts like Japanese dude!

That my planning to buy this in next year...

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Im not 100 percent sure but I do not believe this is possible. The only way to do this would to get a dual WAN router and even then it would load balance the connections so you still would not achieve double the speed... I could be wrong though...

Im not 100 percent sure but I do not believe this is possible. The only way to do this would to get a dual WAN router and even then it would load balance the connections so you still would not achieve double the speed... I could be wrong though...

My computer have two LAN ports so both LAN ports are DHCP clients... I had to quit broadbandreports.com site anymore so they called this beyond of 12Mbps on Cox premier "hyped" I can keep 4MB RWIN this way so i can receive more more flood of data without acknowledge the sender... And I can get second premier account in next year...

Its really not going to do anything, your not going to be able to get over 20Mbps many people have tryed it. The only thing youll notice is your upload might be faster, and yes Ive tryed two cable modems before.

I tell you that I successfully testbed so I went to few sites which have very good server connections as T3 or more advanced connections like apple.com and watch video and I noticed that video loading is very very whoosh fast while watch video! and on youtube site there are fewer video viewers can be fast and many videos on youtube do not offer that. I am successfully tested on single cable modem so run over 20Mbps now I am planning to launch a new testbed for two cable modems on two premier accounts in next year. it's great to see that I've run a successfully testbed... ha ha ha. And some of sites have crappy connections where they are slow... cox stated that "speed is not guaranteed" that means there is no guaranteed how speed is reliability.

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