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i bought a linksys usb wireless-b network adapter, and had good results with it, but i figured i would return it and pay the 10 dollars more for the wireless-g adapter.. well i made the switch and im downloading so much slower from about a 3mb download to a .8mb download... i tested my sisters laptop on the same wireless network and she still gets about a 3mb download.. im pretty aggravated trying to figure out what went wrong

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find what brand you have on NIC and model

then go to manufactors homepage and download latest driver

also in this stage, open cablenut click delete cablenut tweaks and click save to registry and reboot

i will later help you load the correct tweakfile :)

VanBuren :)

well pretty much i had no choice but to buy the usb adapter, i just moved up north to my sisters and i didnt want to run a 25 foot long cable from her router to my room, and i ran out of pci slots for my computer.. well i figured out what was wrong and i had to switch out my ooold usb 1.1 card for my usb 2.0 card.. speeds a little better, just around 2.4MB

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