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Hi guys. I'm in the process of upgrading my current laptop (Inspiron 5150, P4) to a desktop, used for general use (lots of multitasking) and gaming. The most demanding game I'm playing right now is C&C TW3, but I might give Oblivion a try. So here are the parts I have selected up to now. Tell me what you think.

Case: Antec P180


Processor: C2D E6600 (waiting for the price drop at the end of april)

Mobo: Asus P5N-E Nforce 650i SLI


Graphics: 1x XFX GeForce 7600 GT


Hard Drive: 2x Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 320 GB setup in Raid0


Gotta buy these soon, supplies are running out fast

DVD drive: Sony DRU-120C Multi-drive


I havent done much research on this item, so if you have feedback, please write it.

Card Reader: Sabrent 52-in-1 Internal


PSU: OCZ GameXStream 700W


I know I don't need the 700W, but I need the SLI and I have been recommended to go brand name.


If I want that one, I have to order it fast cause the rebate ends soon.

Ram (already bought): 2x 1GB corsair ValueRam

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium

I already have keyboard, mouse, speakers and monitor (might get a second one eventually). I am not going for SLI right away because the games I play at the moment do not require it, but I might get a second card eventually.

I have never built a whole system by myself before, so I might be forgetting something big (like something that my computer won't run without) even if it's super-obvious. If you see such an omission, or just want to check, please make yourself heard. From what I understand, ethernet is embedded in the mobo, I just hope I'm not forgetting something. I don't need a 56k modem btw  :smile: I also assume that the mobo has all the hardware needed to take care of the Raid setup. Also note that I live in Canada, and thus I cannot order from Newegg :sad3: so don't even recommend it if you see something cheaper there. On the bright side of things, to get an US$ equivalent you must multiply my prices by 0,87.

Waiting for your comments.

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I havent gotten much feedback from you guys :sad: o well, I did ask about a few issues before I posted this. I have ordered about half the items, still unsure about the PSU. I know C2D prices are dropping on april 22nd, but do you guys think that the price drops will be immediate at the retailers (like within 2 day)? I was also wondering up to what point I could overclock with/without a special cpu cooler (I assume there is a standard one coming with the cpu). Bear in mind that I have Corsair ValueSelect ram (ddr-667), so that's not an awesome overclocker.

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How about this one? Ive bought a few products from Ultra and I have not been disapointed. The review on it is a joke tho, I doubt that you can fit 2x 8800 cards on a 500 Watt psu.


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Guest PeePs

You sure you don't want to up that video card to something better? Seems like rather than doing SLI with a 7600 GT it might be better to just get a better video card right now. Seems like you would see a lot more performance from 1 better card than 2 7600 GT's? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have time to make sure this is accurate I gotta go stuff my fat face   :wink: .

edit: and by 1 better card I'm not talking about those $500 dollar ones. Maybe just like the GF 8800.

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You sure you don't want to up that video card to something better? Seems like rather than doing SLI with a 7600 GT it might be better to just get a better video card right now. Seems like you would see a lot more performance from 1 better card than 2 7600 GT's? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have time to make sure this is accurate I gotta go stuff my fat face  :wink: .

Like Im doing right now :haha: :haha: (without the fat part) :haha:

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Concerning the video cards,

The 7600gt in SLI scored higher then a 7800GTX on 3Dmark 06

Therefore in games that put a heavy load on the pixel shaders/particles ect.  You can see how a 7600gt SLI and 7800gtx got about the same score in Oblivion.

Yet in other games, the improved technology of newer cards over the old is dramatic.  Where the 7600gt SLI was at half the frame rate of 7800gtx

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For the video card, I've ordered that part already. I didn't chose the mobo for sli really, I just read that it was a good one. For the PSU, I've been looking at the Antec Neo HE 500, but I have read many people say that it didn't work with certain Asus boards (I just bought a P5N-E). Some people say that the problem was fixed, but I can't find a confirmation either on Asus or Antec's website. Anyone know anything about it?

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I know I'm triple posting but...

I did quite a bit of research on the Antec Neo HE series and it looks like still I should not get one with an Asus board, for I risk trouble. Instead, I think I will opt for a Seasonic S13 550 W power supply.


There is also a 430W version that's considerably cheaper, but I think that there is no way that it can handle SLI.

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