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Running cpu-z I've had an error with my cpu as the speedstep is impossible to turn off.

Is it possible to overclock this processor, I've tried using Clockgen from the creators of cpu-z overclocked maybe .600Mhz faster and if I went higher system would crash. What programs or BIOS features do I need to learn how to overclock. This is getting me rather heated as the motherboard rates a 1333FSB and with this processor I'm only pushing 1066.6MHZ With a bus speed of 266.7MHZ.

Is it even possible to overclock this processor, thats the main reason I chose to buy a new computer, to Overclock. I wanna see what this processor and motherboard along with the ram can do.

Rams at 400MHZ when it's rated at 800MHZ Whats up?

Someone please help me.  :sad3:

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Cpu-Z may not work with vista, only conclusion I can come up with. But NVmonitor rates everything at correct speeds, But still what should I use to overclock. I can not overclock this with anything I've thought to use, and I really don't like google searching programs to overclock. Anyone suggest a program?

I use the BIOS to overclock my computer.As far as I know that is what most people recommend.

To overclock my video card I use RivaTuner .not sure if it works with Vista. You can also use ntune or coolbit to overclock your video card. Remember to only raise it up a little bit at a time and watch the CPU temps.

I've pushed further into the potential of this CPU, with plenty of headroom left I've managed to get a stable 3.00Ghz out of an E6600 (2.4Ghz)  :smile2:

Hey all heres what I've gotten out of my Core2Duo (e6600) 2.4Ghz / 1066FSB.

3.00Ghz / 333.24Mhz / 1333

1st picture's cpu load @ 100%

2nd picture's cpu load @ Idle

Cpu-Z Validate: http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=186193

What are your temp when you push it. Guess it time to play with the video card now. Remember raise it a little bit at a time,then run 3Dmark06 and look for artifacting. Make sure you do not check the start with windows box till you are sure that the video overclock is good,that way if it lock up the computer are you have to do is reboot.

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