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Man how cum I was not so dang lucky!!!

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Middle schoolers caught in oral fuckfest

WPMI-TV 15 Pensacola | Submitted by: Reid Fleming

"6 boys and 2 girls at Workman Middle School in Pensacola have been suspended for 10-days after reportedly being involved in sexual acts during school hours on school grounds. It's alleged all the boys lined up in the boy's bathroom, while the 2 girls went in to perform oral sex on them, while other students served as lookouts... Workman Middle School is for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It's believed all the students involved are in the 7th grade."

I am going to disneyworld...lmao!

EDITED] Here is another gutbuster!!

Teacher caught naked with middle school student

San Francisco Chronicle | Submitted by: Razmatazz

"A 30-year-old San Francisco schoolteacher faces lewd conduct charges after being caught naked in a car after school with a 14-year-old Luther Burbank Middle School student, authorities said Friday. At 5:30 p.m. Thursday, patrol officers driving in an area of McLaren Park known for drugs and prostitution spotted a car with steamed windows... officers found Nieka Arreola and the unidentified student, who worked as an aide in a classroom at Luther Burbank, undressed in the car. Arreola reportedly told police she was giving the boy a ride home. She was booked on three counts with lewd and lascivious acts on a minor."

Now I know where Van Halen got the song "I'm hot for teacher" from...lol And my teacher never taught me that. Where do you sign up for that course!!! :oops:

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:) What else should they be doing in school?I think thats called interacting with fellow students.lorne thats just what I thought when I saw her name.I was thinking is the first school a catholic school?Because some of that went on when I went to catholic school alooong time ago...hehehe

8) microwave

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