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HI all, my wifes friend some how knocked her pc over and now it dosent work, :knuppel2: when i say doesnt work i mean the moniter will not come on when u turn the pc on. i have allready tested the moniter and it works off my labtop. when u do turn the pc on, everything but the video card is on and running and i am guessing the pci slots will not work either. tried a pci card and couldnt get it to come on with it either.  any ideas??

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Hold on, the case fell off the table and not the monitor correct?

If the computer case fell then i would suggest trying any other video cards you have.  Possably try a multimeter to confirm the card has power.  Was the connection to the monitor screwed in so tight that when the case fell the cord was pulled taught?  This would definitly put strain on the connection to the motherboard.  Is it an AGP, PCI-E, PCI video card that is no longer fuctioning? 

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my bad, should explained little better. the case was sitting on the floor, some how she turned it over, but i am not sure how hard it hit the floor. but  its a AGP card and i put it in another puter and the screen started to come on but i am thinking that the motherboard will only go up to 1-2X and this card is either 4-8X(5950 Ultra) but as i am typing, i am looking hard for a AGP card just lying around that is not being used.  as i was reading ur post, in the case that this all started from the card doesnt seem to be getting any power, i know because the fan is not turning, and put it in another case and the fan was turning, but didnt get any video maybe becasuse of the card not being supported by that board.  I am really leaning toward that the board somehow is bad.

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The board could be bad.. but that would be a pretty hard hit to do something like that.  Do you have a spare NIC card laying around?  I would throw that in and see if, at boot time, you get any lights on it. 

It is possible to kill the AGP and not the PCI slots..

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well i have tried a pci Vcard and it didnt work, plus i took that same card(one i have never used) and put it in my daughters puter because the card that i took out of it to try in the puter with the problem wouldnt work( always have had a problem with it) but like i said i did try the pci  Vcard and nothing.I will try a nic and  see what happens. but i am really thinking that the board is some how bad. i have to have a AGP because this is my sons gaming machine as much it is my wifes MY SPACE box  lol  this machine has to play BF42 and BF2 so anything lower than the 5950 would not be a good      thanks for the ideas

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so get a cheap board with onboard graphics. good enough for myspace and it'll do the kid to not have a box to play on. that way he has to go outside and actually play himself, not just vegetate in front of a screen like the rest of us disfunctional types.

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