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Connection hogging over small(4 computers) home network

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Hi ppl i was wondering if there was anything  that could be done  about my little problem. We have a 20mb(allegedly) connection coming into our house that used to be a 10mg ntl connection until the 1st of may when we changed over. not only has there been no noticeable increase in speed but i have a friend who constantly hogs all the connection by downloading sh*tloads of torrents constantly and was wondering if there was anyway to limit his usage/ allocate say 5mg each to each comp. if this is a stupid idea pls don't flame as im not too up on the workings of networks or t'internet.


Hey PaulC1986 , welcome to Testmy.net :)

I know this, In my router "Linksys BefSx41" , I can limit BW by IP internal address. Take a look around in yours, or locate the Manual , or post the model and we'll assist you.

Mine is >  Applications & Gaming  > QOS   .  Actually I looked , and mine is not by IP, yet by port :)

Alright... This is actually a pretty popular question..  There are a few things that you can try...  QoS as pointed out in the last post may help. It works for outgoing traffic only!  So if you are trying to download something there will be no effect.

So then how do you control bandwidth.  Well there is a transparent process and there is the software solution.  In the transparent solution you pretty much run all of the WAN requests through one server.  This server acts as a gateway and control the bandwidth allotment for that individual computer.  This can be done both on a Windows machine with special software and on Linux using Squid.

For the software control you are looking at having to install a client machine that regulates the speed.  This is going to be a lot harder to sell to the chronic downloader.. 

Here is a Windows based solution: http://www.softperfect.com/products/bandwidth/

Alright... This is actually a pretty popular question..  There are a few things that you can try...  QoS as pointed out in the last post may help. It works for outgoing traffic only!  So if you are trying to download something there will be no effect.

Here is a Windows based solution: http://www.softperfect.com/products/bandwidth/

This is just one of the reasons I rate this site as high as I do, The information pool is very deep. Thanks swimmer. :)

Hi ppl i was wondering if there was anything  that could be done  about my little problem. We have a 20mb(allegedly) connection coming into our house that used to be a 10mg ntl connection until the 1st of may when we changed over. not only has there been no noticeable increase in speed but i have a friend who constantly hogs all the connection by downloading sh*tloads of torrents constantly and was wondering if there was anyway to limit his usage/ allocate say 5mg each to each comp. if this is a stupid idea pls don't flame as im not too up on the workings of networks or t'internet.


you could always report your friend to the mpaa/riaa. that should cut down on his torrent activity for a few years... :twisted:

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