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ok i have decided that before next school year for me (which is august) i am going to buy a new laptop....i currently have an acer aspire 3100 with low specs, as it was/is used for linux and papers and internet...but i want a mobile station for under 2000 as long as the specs are good and its worth it. i would like feedback, positive and negative, as well as ideas for a new laptop.... here is the link to the one i want currently  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220124


starship :smile2:

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http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220163  here is one with the 8600 in it. but its only 256 mb instead of the 512 for the 7700 card in the one i posted. but the one with the 8600 has better battery life...idk which is better though. but i do know that this one is cheaper. i will have to look to other reviews on these and compare again. thanks for the headsup on the graphics cards kamil  :grin:

So basically you want a portable desktop..  This is exactly what I did 3 years ago and couldn't be happier about that choice..  Currently I have an Intel Pentium M 1.8, 1gig of ram, 60gb 7200rpm hard drive, 15.4 wide screen, and a 9600 pro.    It is great that it has power, but at the same time it is not the lightest computer on the block..  The other thing, since it is a desktop replacement, that I wanted was all of the extras.. Like a mouse, keyboard, speakers...  That lead me a docking station after about a year of having to remove everything every time I wanted to go mobile.

I like the computer that you are looking at!  Here is a review that I found http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=3403

One think that you might want to check into would be a dedicated sound card..  Creative makes the Audigy 2 Notebook.. which makes a huge difference in audio if you are running external speakers.

i think the nvidia go 7700 is enough for me. but if the 8600 is more powerful overall then i'll buy that. any advice? i can't seem to find any reviews for the one with the 8600...

edit/ here is a toshiba that is slightly better i think... and is around the same price. any oppinions on it?


One thing to always rember and I always try to impress upon people. Is the possibility of it comming up missing. While I will be the first to admit I really don't know that much about it as yet. I would think there would be a program you could install that would act like a gps. That way if it does come up missing, tracking it down would be rather simple I would think.

I am not so sure I would password protect it. I tell you why. If someone does take it you want it back. If they find they can not use it, it could end up in the trash or dumpster or destroyed. While I am almost sure you are aware of all this. It never hurts to be reminded. Sometimes we forget the simple things. Myself included.

Guest kamil234

One thing to always rember and I always try to impress upon people. Is the possibility of it comming up missing. While I will be the first to admit I really don't know that much about it as yet. I would think there would be a program you could install that would act like a gps. That way if it does come up missing, tracking it down would be rather simple I would think.

I am not so sure I would password protect it. I tell you why. If someone does take it you want it back. If they find they can not use it, it could end up in the trash or dumpster or destroyed. While I am almost sure you are aware of all this. It never hurts to be reminded. Sometimes we forget the simple things. Myself included.



i think he means that since it is expensive to remember that it might/can go missing and to keep it in mind to help protect it...i think...


am Querryin yu n not laughin' @ yu....wat Do  yu  mean????   :2funny:

ok now kamil, this is the time to do it....  What!?  :uglystupid2:

btw welcome to tmn  :smile2:

ok new plan...i have to get this laptop before i go somewhere in august, so i'm thinking that 1500 is the max i can get now. instead of the 2000. but i dont want a laptop with integrated graphics, or dedicated graphics being lower than 256mb. and 2gigs of ram if possible. and a dual core processor no lower than 1.8ghz. ...think i have found one but not sure yet. any links to ones on NEWEGG ONLY please

Here is what I found..

Lenovo 3000N

1.8 Core 2 Duo

1GB Ram

160GB HD

X3100 Intergrated graphics (Don't shun this to much..)



This is more of a business computer... It is based on the Santa Rosa platform Intel GM965, with wifi, and the core 2 duo.  BTW Santa Rosa has been out for less than 2 months and Intel admits that not all of the graphic processing power has been used yet.  Right now the x3100 is scoring double of the GMA 950, the previous generation.

Lenovo 3000N

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz

2 GB ram

120 GB hard drive

NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 128mb



Those are the ones that really stuck out to me..  If you decide to go with HP you are going to be looking at spending more $$ for ram.

thanks guys, i have been looking alot lately and honestly i think i've found the one i want. but i'm not sure if i have the right memory picked out for it.  ok first off here is the laptop  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220163

and here is the memory, although i am not 100% yet if this is compatible.  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820231069

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