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Cut to the quick , I have bought a Speed touch 585v6 adsl +2 modem/router  in the UK ,

I have 7 days to return it , starting from today 23 June 07 ,

It's a used item , came in the box with all the bits, but it is password locked , and I cant configure it , I have searched the web and got all sorts of conflicting advice ,

I get all the lights apart from the internet light , it keeps asking for the user name and  password

I just spent 4 hours of frustration trying to get it up and running ,  :evil2: and have sent a "I am returning it Email , " just to cover my ass ,

ANY THOUGHTS GUYS ?  b4 I box it up ,

BTW. I have Tried Administration , Admin, ect and every combination I can think of ,


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you helped me with my bird, i'll help you with your modem.


that is the pdf manual.

the default pass is Administrator as user with blank password

it also contains the instructions on how to reset to factory defaults.

if you need the software and drivers go to link below and select residential multi user wifi as product category and then the 585 as device.

that will let you select anything you need for it. good luck.


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:icon_thumright: thanks Reso..... lol 1.35 AM  uk ,  and it's been a long day  :evil2:

You seemed to have found out much more than  me , I have been told this modem/

router is the bee's knees in the UK , so I would like to get it running ,as it was 1/3rd the price of a new one in the UK ,

BTW. I am still running my old  conexant runner modem (pci ) ,  :lol:

I just thought I should upgrade  :smile2:


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update on this , first thanks Reso .... and I hope the bird is doing fine ?

I put the modem/ router onto my spare computer and it worked OK ,

and it syncs 30% higher than my pci modem , (4.2Mbps )  so my Brit telicom  profile should change within 3 Day's , 3.5 Mbps download instead of 2Mbps , lol us Brits have the speed , (not )  :evil6:

My next step is going wireless for my laptop, so I can relax in the garden and surf the internet on sunny days , ( 2 days of the year in the UK   :smile2:)   

BTW is the budgie a female, ?  if so she could be egg bound , ? , but I guess something would have happened by now if she was , 

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the bird seems to be doing better. he's a he btw. he was eating almost nonstop the first couple of days, i guess he couldn't feed in the wild. and he is relatively hand tame so that should rub off on the new one fairly quickly.

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