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Hello all New guy here ! So be forewarned I am kinda dumb at all of this.

I have been using the exact same setup here for years without many problems. About 6 days ago my connection started randomly stalling. Speed tests show anywhere from 0.2 - 2.1 in a matter of a minute or two. Traceroute drops after hop 13 - the test failing. Here is what Info I THINK you need to assist me if possible.

running Motorolo cable modem through Netgear RT311 Gateway throgh Netgear 8 port Switch. System is p3-133 1gig ram on XP SP2

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 313 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is:: 38 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Mon Jan 31 11:01:38 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 6X faster than 56K 1MB download in 26.95 sec

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-TIQNDHBWS

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1967 Kbps about 2 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is:: 240 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Mon Jan 31 11:03:31 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 35X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.27 sec

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-SVT3YRQZH

TraceRoute to xx.xx.xx.xxx [c-xx-xx-xx-xxx.atl.client2.attbi.com]

Hop (ms) (ms) (ms)  IP Address Host name

1 0 0 0 gphou-66-98-244-1.ev1.net

2 0 0 0 gphou-66-98-241-4.ev1.net

3 0 0 1 gphou-66-98-240-6.ev1.net

4 1 1 1 ge-2-1-0.r02.hstntx01.us.bb.verio.net

5 10 10 10 p16-0-3-0.r21.dllstx09.us.bb.verio.net

6 144 210 216 p16-0.att.dllstx09.us.bb.verio.net

7 9 9 9 tbr1-p012101.dlstx.ip.att.net

8 40 40 41 tbr2-cl1.attga.ip.att.net

9 40 40 40 gar5-p390.attga.ip.att.net

10 43 43 43 -

11 42 42 42 -

12 43 42 42 c-66-56-23-3.atl.client2.attbi.com

13 41 41 41 -

14 Timed out Timed out Timed out  -

15 Timed out Timed out Timed out  -

16 Timed out Timed out Timed out  -

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Test Loss Min

Latency Avg

Latency Max

Latency Pass


Simple ping loss check

target does not respond to ICMP ping  ping tests cancelled 

low bandwidth stream was not performed

medium bandwidth stream was not performed

your first hop ping was not performed

if you were pingable, cool graphs would appear here

From East Coast - USA to YOU

Hop Host LOSS Rcv Sent Best Avg Worst

0 0% 60 60 0.45 0.55 1.15

1 ge-6-0-0-53.gar4.NewYork1.Level3.net 0% 60 60 0.62 2.78 66.96

2 att-level3-oc48.NewYork1.Level3.net 0% 60 60 0.60 0.75 0.94

3 0% 60 60 1.35 1.93 7.03

4 tbr2-cl1.wswdc.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 8.04 8.75 17.85

5 tbr1-cl1.attga.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 22.07 22.52 24.41

6 gar5-p300.attga.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 21.44 21.54 21.68

7 0% 60 60 21.54 21.68 21.80

8 0% 60 60 22.93 23.16 27.44

9 c-66-56-23-3.atl.client2.attbi.com 0% 60 60 22.23 22.34 22.64

10 0% 60 60 22.41 22.65 23.51

11 ??? 100% 0 60 0.00 0.00 0.00


From West Coast - USA to YOU

Hop Host LOSS Rcv Sent Best Avg Worst

0 so1-0-0-2488M.ar1.CHI2.gblx.net 0% 60 60 49.61 49.79 50.34

1 gblx-gw.cgcil.ip.att.net 2% 59 60 49.88 50.00 51.06

2 tbr2-p014001.cgcil.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 50.71 51.09 52.99

3 tbr2-cl7.sl9mo.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 57.53 57.84 58.44

4 0% 60 60 68.58 69.05 71.13

5 gar5-p390.attga.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 67.70 67.78 68.05

6 0% 60 60 68.05 68.17 69.11

7 0% 60 60 68.37 68.50 69.09

8 c-66-56-23-3.atl.client2.attbi.com 0% 60 60 68.53 68.66 69.79

9 0% 60 60 68.74 68.99 70.09

10 ??? 100% 0 60 0.00 0.00

Seems pretty consistant with the drop at the same IP every time.. I Also went here http://visualroute.visualware.com/ and got these results which give a little more info I can understand like where each trace is coming/going from/to  hope this helps.

Mad Mongo


=== VisualRoute ® 2005 Server Edition (v9.0a) report on Jan 31, 2005 12:23:18 PM ===


Report for xx.xx.xx.xxx [c-xx-xx-xx-xxx.atl.client2.attbi.com]

Analysis: IP packets are being lost past network  "Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc CCCH3-3"

  at hop 12. VisualRoute cannot determine the next network at hop 13.


| Hop | %Loss | IP Address    | Node Name                              | Location            | Tzone  | ms | Graph      | Network                                            |


| 0  |      | | WIN10115.visualware.com                | *                    |        |    |            | Verio, Inc. VRIO-161-058                          |

| 1  |      | | -                                      | ?Englewood, CO      |        | 0  | x          | Verio, Inc. VRIO-161-058                          |

| 2  |      | | -                                      | ?Englewood, CO      |        | 26 | -x---      | Verio, Inc. VRIO-161-058                          |

| 3  |      | | xe-1-2-0-3.r20.asbnva01.us.bb.verio.net | Ashburn, VA, USA    | -05:00 | 10 | x          | Verio, Inc. VRIO-129-250                          |

| 4  |      |  | p64-0-0-0.r21.asbnva01.us.bb.verio.net  | Ashburn, VA, USA    | -05:00 | 5  | x          | Verio, Inc. VRIO-129-250                          |

| 5  |      |  | verio-gw.n54ny.ip.att.net              | New York, NY, USA    | -05:00 | 52 | ---x------ | AT&T Bell Laboratories NETBLK-ATT                  |

| 6  |      |    | tbr2-p013901.wswdc.ip.att.net          | Washington, DC, USA  | -05:00 | 0  | x          | AT&T Worldnet Services ATTSVI-12-122-0-0          |

| 7  |      |  | tbr1-cl1.attga.ip.att.net              | Atlanta, GA, USA    | -05:00 | 16 | x          | AT&T Worldnet Services ATTSVI-12-122-0-0          |

| 8  |      |  | gar5-p300.attga.ip.att.net              | Atlanta, GA, USA    | -05:00 | 16 | x          | AT&T Worldnet Services ATTSVI-12-122-0-0          |

| 9  |      |  | -                                      | ?Morristown, NJ, USA | -05:00 | 15 | x          | AT&T Worldnet Services ATTSVI-12-112-0-0          |

| 10  |      |  | -                                      | ?Mt Laurel, NJ      |        | 16 | x          | Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc CCCH3-3 |

| 11  |      |    | c-66-56-23-3.atl.client2.attbi.com      | ?Mt Laurel, NJ      |        | 16 | x          | Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc CCCH3-3 |

| 12  |      |  | -                                      | ?Mt Laurel, NJ      |        | 15 | x          | Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc CCCH3-3 |

| ... |      |                |                                        |                      |        |    |            |                                                    |

| ?  |      | xx.xx.xx.xxx  | c-xx-xx-xx-xxx.atl.client2.attbi.com    | ?Mt Laurel, NJ      |        |    |            | Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc CCCH3-3 |


Also note this:


Upcoming Scheduled Maintenance

The following locations will be undergoing scheduled network maintenance from midnight (12:00AM) until noon (12:00PM) EST. During this twelve hour window please do not turn off your PC or cable modem as you will be unable to regain connectivity until the maintenance has been completed.

Cleveland, OH

1/27/05, Thu

Pittsburg, PA

1/27/05, Thu

Richmond, VA

1/30/05, Sun

Atlanta, GA

1/30/05, Sun

Yea  I started having issues about a week back when they first started this maint BS. Now I have problems with stability.

Also after reading and searching every site I could find I Still cant figure out how to make myself Pingable with my rt311 router. I dont have 1/2 the menus they tell me to use.

I am stealth to all inquiries using Symantec Security Checker which is Good, but it dosn't allow me to run these tests.

Any Clues or advice is appreciated as always.

Thanks for all the time and efforts.

Mad Mongo

bypass the router and disable firewall during test, or config your firewall to allow ICMP traffic.

then you can see if the problem is at your ISP net...

also make a speedtest without router and see if you go faster without it

VanBuren :)

ok removed my router and spoofed my mac addy so I could get to the net. Here are the results of the test. Hope I did this right

Mad Mongo

Test Loss Min

Latency Avg

Latency Max

Latency Pass


Simple ping loss check

10secs of 40byte packets 2 per second  0% loss  29.0ms  30.7ms  43.9ms 


low bandwidth stream

10secs of 56k/bit ping stream 512byte packets  0% loss  30.9ms  32.8ms  48.5ms 


medium bandwidth stream

10secs of 128k/bit ping stream 512byte packets  0% loss  30.8ms  33.0ms  49.9ms 


your first hop ping

stream of 40byte pings to  0% loss  21.6ms  You are 7ms

to your first hop!


ping plot from 'ec'

ping plot from 'wc'

From East Coast - USA to YOU

Hop Host LOSS Rcv Sent Best Avg Worst

0 0% 60 60 0.40 0.52 0.63

1 ge-7-0-0-52.gar4.NewYork1.Level3.net 0% 60 60 0.62 3.21 102.84

2 att-level3-oc48.NewYork1.Level3.net 0% 60 60 0.60 0.69 0.80

3 0% 60 60 1.29 1.81 3.98

4 tbr2-cl1.wswdc.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 8.09 8.53 13.05

5 tbr1-cl1.attga.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 21.27 21.79 23.56

6 gar5-p300.attga.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 20.59 20.72 21.39

7 0% 60 60 20.72 20.85 20.98

8 0% 60 60 22.09 22.22 22.36

9 c-66-56-23-3.atl.client2.attbi.com 0% 60 60 21.39 21.51 21.69

10 0% 60 60 21.65 21.89 25.96

11 c-66-56-3-94.atl.client2.attbi.com 7% 56 60 31.03 32.98 62.50


From West Coast - USA to YOU

Hop Host LOSS Rcv Sent Best Avg Worst

0 so1-0-0-2488M.ar1.CHI2.gblx.net 7% 56 60 49.62 49.82 50.91

1 gblx-gw.cgcil.ip.att.net 2% 59 60 49.86 50.01 50.18

2 tbr2-p014001.cgcil.ip.att.net 2% 59 60 50.71 51.20 53.43

3 tbr2-cl7.sl9mo.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 57.47 57.89 59.82

4 0% 60 60 68.71 69.38 73.81

5 gar5-p390.attga.ip.att.net 0% 60 60 67.81 68.00 68.23

6 2% 59 60 68.16 68.35 68.59

7 4% 58 60 68.53 68.69 68.87

8 c-66-56-23-3.atl.client2.attbi.com 0% 60 60 68.66 68.83 69.13

9 0% 60 60 68.89 69.14 69.69

10 c-66-56-3-94.atl.client2.attbi.com 2% 59 60 78.45 79.97 85.13


ok Finally got a confirmed answer through the techies at Comcast. Seems a firmware update with the new upgrades they have been doing to their system is NOT compatable with the older Toshiba and a few of the original RoafdRunner Modems. Once the newer modem was installed I started getting... well  See for yourself..

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 4212 Kbps about 4.2 Mbps (tested with 5983 KB)

Download Speed is:: 514 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Tue Feb 8 14:04:59 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 75X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.99 sec

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-70NV3YMW2

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