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you're welcome.

your MIR Bandwidth Settings are OK already.

try to enable Hi Priority Channel.

also, go to AP Evaluation and look for the Color Code which has the lowest Jitter, highest RSSI and lowest Power, and upon meeting those and if possible, get the color code which a fewer UserSectorCount.

in the Configuration page, put your your desired color code. click save and initiate reboot (canopy not your pc).

do not touch anything else.

hope that helps.

kindly post your speed score after.

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Another qusetion please, is it possible that i can open another canopy address, because this canopy that i have opened has another name of another subscriber and another account number.

yes it is possible but illegal. did you report it to customer care already?

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i didnt report, and i will not report it :grin2: because they will know that im trying to tweak my canopy, btw i reported to my slow connection to smart and the customer care called me last day, he told me theres nothing wrong with their base station, he said the problem could be in  my browser  :buck2:, if that is so, why is my connection fast in the morning  :cry:.

my speedtest in the morning.



and anyone knows how to make my online gaming connection faster?

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what's Hi Priority Channel for?

To support low-latency traffic such as VoIP (Voice over IP) or video, the Canopy system implements a high-priority channel. This channel does not affect the inherent latencies in the Canopy system but allows high-priority traffic to be immediately served. The highpriority pipe separates low-latency traffic from traffic that is latency tolerant, such as standard web traffic and file downloads.

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