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  I have been on this site for awhile and as of now I am thinking about leaving for good!!! Because I have contacted cable and no reply and I have been trying for like a week!!! Before I go or whatever I would like to tell you something that some of you might know!!! As I said before i have been here for awhile and under multiple names!!! Some of you like microwave for one may have figured it out by now but I am the same person as shanee shanee86 shanee96 as of before and I got booted for spamming that is why I try never to post any links ever again and I have not posted any to my site or the one that is now in my signature!!! Also don't worry about telling cable people he already knows and as far as I know he is not mad at me!!! Or at least he said he wasn't going to ban me!!! And I promised not to post any links to my site agian witch I haven't in the several months I have been jim2006!!! But he has be not reply to me pm's so I think he is mad so I have decided to leave if i don't get a reply from him thanks!!!

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man...........run on's, learn to type.......

but hey.....cable is a busy man........give him a break and stop taking things so personally............

If you have to leave, then leave, but if you are just doing this becuase you are immature and take things over the internet personally....then leave anyways.

I dont think anyone here has a problem with you, and I dont know why they would.

Good Luck.

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  Well mostly vanburen I created this thread to tell the people that I was the same person as shanee shanee86 shanee96 on this site so they would know!!! So I would not have to hide it!!! Witch I already told cable I was the same person so he knows and I thought you all might want to know!!! As far as the pm's I understand that he maybe busy It just never took him this long before so I thought he was mad or something!!! Also vanburen feel free to delete this if you want thanks!!!

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