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Hello, I have again come up with my query, and I again hope that it would be solved as quickly as it was the last time. Well let me now start with my question: has anybody in TMN used a software called "HJSplit" before? It's a software which is used to split a single file into various multiple files of the extensions of 001, 002 and so on. I was downloading a movie through rapidshare which was split in 8 parts through HJSplit, and the uploader had instructed to join all the 8 files afterwards with the help of HJSplit software. I downloaded all those eight parts of the movie, BUT, except for the first part, all other parts I downloaded were corrupt because HJSplit wasn't able to detect any of the part, except for the first one... As a result I googled the problem, and in of the site, it was suggested to redownload all the files again. And I did that, but I still got the same result: except for the first part, rest of the files were all corrupt...


See, even the Microsoft's site is able to identify the file extension, i.e. .001, BUT


from the second part onwards, it's not...  :sad3:

If someone wants me to post additional information/screenshots, I'll do. But, please help...

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I just wonder if maybe there is a block somehow on the completion of the d/l because maybe it came from someplace that was not legitimate , is that possible? Just throwing something out there.

I don't think so. I downloaded all the files twice, first with the help of IDM (Internet Download Manager) and then through the opera web browser. I've heard that download managers may give you corrupt download, but a web browser's download window?

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