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i recently got upset playing COD4 becuase i would shoot the guys and nothing would happened. and then they would shoot me once and i would die. everyones knows when you get mad at a game the first thing you take it out on is the controller. and now my L2 botton does not work.

Is there any way to fix a PS3 controller, or any place i can take it to, to get it fixed for relatively cheap. i'd thought id ask you guys before i start to rip into it myself and really screw something up.

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Guest kamil234

damn you must have slammed it pretty hard, i used to throw my controller all the time against the floor when i played socom and it never broke on me haha.

well if it only goes in half way than maybe something is in its way, you can try to dissassemble it and check it out but i warn u its kinda hard to put it back together properly

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ok, but ill wait on dissembleing it for now, ill wait and see if anyone one else has any input on this.ripping it apart is my last resort. i've taking alot of things apart and most them do go back together the right way but theres some that dont seem to work anymore(must be a faulty part :azn: ).

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ill probably have to buy a new one anyway because even if i do get it to work again, it will not be the same. R2 and L2 are very sensitive and most likely there will be some residual damage to it. but oh well now i can have some fun seeing how a PS3 controller put together

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ill probably have to buy a new one anyway because even if i do get it to work again, it will not be the same. R2 and L2 are very sensitive and most likely there will be some residual damage to it. but oh well now i can have some fun seeing how a PS3 controller put together

Pick up a DualShock 3 if you haven't yet. I love mine, the little more weight in the controller compared to the plain Six-Axis made me love PS3 more than my 360 lol.

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I think i fixed it. There most of been something stuck behind the L2. the little piece that is between the L1 and L2 was broken there was a small piece messing. i must of shock that lose when i was trying to get it open.  I was going to open the entire thing but i couldn't the back to detach from the joysticks. I did play a quick game and it does work. but there might still be some afteraffects i have yet to find out.

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