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Alright I'm going to re write this a bit to be more specific I should not have been so vague when asking for help (I have around 900-1k to spend not including the wireless cards our router(Also I know little to nothing about over clocking so I do not need anything special built for overclocking really)

RAM <--- I would like to have 4 Gigs of Ram

CPU <--- Looking for a Intel Dual Core

Motherboard <---- One that is compliant to the CPU and I really do not care about cross firing

Case <--- This does not matter to much but I would not mind a snazzy looking one

Hard Drive or drive(s)<--- Looking for around 500GBs to 1 TB can be in more then one hard drive or what ever the case can hold

Video Card <--- Looking for maybe a 512MB video card not gonna be hard core into gaming just every now and then be able to play a game

CD/DVD Player <--- One with a Dual layer writing ability maybe 2 if the case can handle it

Power Supply <--- One that has sufficient output for all the parts and maybe more in the future


Wireless Card <--- We have decided to finally go wireless so I will be in need of one of these(I will need 2 of these as I need to put one in my brothers computer also)

Wireless Router <--- I was looking at




But I will look for others opinions as I am new to the wireless setup





Not apart of the 900-1k for the computer itself

Alright after a bit of playing around I came up with Just need the suggestion on the video card









Hard Drive or drive(s)


Video Card I like the suggestion you gave but how about either of these?



http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130332 <----This is the one my brother got works great so far but interested on either of the 2 above this one.

CD/DVD Player


Also how do these look for a wireless set

Wireless card

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833180052 <--- Gonna need 2 if they look good in your opinion as they do in mine (Strong Reviews,Good Price)

Wireless Router


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