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Van can you post a pic of the setting of a 6000/768 setting. Also, Why cant I open the Van Burens CableNut Settings?  Im running in a Windows 98. Also, how can I open the CableNut Settings with another program because I cant change it and I only can open it with Arobat Reader but it gives me an error message? :angry5:

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hey Speedy :)

open cablenut, click options and choose the right OS

also you need to use the win 98/ME files....

you find em in this folder


i suggest to try 98 & ME Cable_DSL 3000+ file first

VanBuren :)

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Man this computer is so old that it doesnt even have "Options". Thats the problem I cant open the files or open it with another program I only can open it with Acrobat Reader but when I open it with "Acrobat Reader" it gives me an error message. Thats why I want you to post a pic so I can put the numbers into the Adjuster. :x

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Cool now I'm relaxed. :D:occasion14: It's way better, In this computer I was getting 1.3Mb download now with the tweaks im [glow=red,2,300]blazing[/glow].

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 5647 Kbps about 5.6 Mbps (tested with 5983 KB)

Download Speed is:: 689 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Sun Feb 13 11:56:53 MST 2005

Bottom Line:: 101X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.49 sec

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-0A6SHVEZG


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Hi speedy final: If you are tweaking win98 here are some tweaks I posted.I use 98se.



The second one is for dial-up modem you probably don't need it.

There are two settings in cablenut that cause problems for me they might not on a faster connection.they are: MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server .Set this at 4 instead of 20.

Delete the following setting from registry:MaxConnectionsPerServer.

these can be found here: H key current user/Software/microsoft/windows/current version/Internet settings

I would use the rwin you use in the comp you usually use inthe DefaultRcvWindow &


IF you need a freeware unzipper for win98 you can get one here.Its the one I use.

www.zipitfast.com/  I hope this is some help to you.  :cool: Cholla

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Hi Van Buren & speedy final:I checked my Belarc Advisor  it says I have this patch installed.I thought I did but checked.The main thing to get this to work is the TCP1323opts setting If it is set at 0(zero) then 65535 is the max rwin. 1,2,or 3 will let it work at larger setting.Which ever of these your system needs I use 1.


  :cool: Cholla

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Hi Van Buren & speedy final:I checked my Belarc Advisor  it says I have this patch installed.I thought I did but checked.The main thing to get this to work is the TCP1323opts setting If it is set at 0(zero) then 65535 is the max rwin. 1,2,or 3 will let it work at larger setting.Which ever of these your system needs I use 1.


  :cool: Cholla

hey Cholla

here is the defenition

"25. Tcp1323Opts - Controls RFC 1323 time stamps and window scaling options, where 0 = disable RFC 1323 options, 1 = window scale enabled only, 2 = time stamps enabled only, and 3 = both options enabled.

Value Type: String Value

Default: 0"

Speedy was already using Tcp1323Opts = 1

and a RWIN of 128480, but win 98 is locked to 65535

thats why you need to patch it

VanBuren :)

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Hi Van Buren :You are correct the value is a string value.I made the corrections to my post . The Belarc Advisor lists all MS patches in the system.So you know they are installed.It even indicates if they are correctly installed. Thanks  :)    Cholla

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