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Audio Onboard Vs. Dedicatied PCI

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I know what I would say to this question but I was just wondering what you all would say. I have a 680i LT Motherboard that has integrated 7.1+2 Audio output Realtek ALC885 HD Audio, I've never really ran the audio much because I always had my Creative Audigy SE 24-Bit 7.1 Surround sound dedicated PCI Sound Card, but recently it's been well lightly put on it's last leg, it's old, almost 2 years now, and seems to be fading, it's output has begun to crackle at higher frequencies, never used to do that. Also after an experiment gorilla glue was spilt onto the back of the sound card, which may of effected its output. So I've been switching between the two, seeing which performs better for me, using a Creative 2.1 Sound system I bought for 56$ and my 36$ plantronics headset. I know that I would say that the Sound card is better in almost every situation. But sound wise they seem about the same, I've looked up the specs and the onboard seems to have just a slight performance increase over the sound card, what do you all think is the sound card ready for it's days in the sound card retirement community?


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For 99% of people there is no reason to have a discreet sound card. The onboard card is more the fine and you can't tell the difference in sound quality. Only someone who is serous about audio and needs the extra features should go for a discreet sound card.

The reason for the off board sound card was to take the load off the CPU but that doesn't really matter anymore.

That's what I'm beginning to think, as a core 2 duo paired with the 680i LT is more than enough, I get zero lag, and have more precise highs & lows running the on-board. I believe that this sound card is headed into my older system. I'm loving the on-board audio with this system. Thanks Lewis.

Side note: Looks like your still infected with those bugs, :2funny:.

yes a i agree with all of you guys.before i bought a sound card with optical output so that i can connect my pc to my stereo with optical amplifier.now you can find motherboards with optical output in it.really amazing  :haha:.i need to throw my creative inspire GD580 and upgrade my pc... :oops:

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