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I Have NAT problems. Can U help me step by step and like pedagogic way so I can understand how to do my settings.

Thanks Roberto.

Welcome to testmy.net pressen, go ahead and give an explanation of your error codes, or what precisely your having a problem with. To say you are having NAT issues, and you need assistance is what this site is all about, the people here will need more info then what you have given. Please elaborate.

Thanks  :)

And what pedagogical way would you like to be instructed ?

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I have downloaded azerus. When i try to load music etc i got a message says that i must open port and configure my NAT settings. I googled this issue and i understand why but not how to do. What i mean in pedagogic way is how i do the settings step by step so i can understand and follow all the "right" steps in the right way. I have windows XP home edition sp3. Sorry if my english is bad  :laugh:

I also have a gateway and a telephone adapter called Vood 322. I hope this info can help. broadband from www.telia.se

Best regards Roberto

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I tried to do as you said but it dosent work. When i typed ip-adress in that bar i come to a search site


I'm not sure what you were typing your IP machine IP into the address bar for , maybe look those instructions over, a bit slower, when you come to a question, post it here.

EDIT: OK, I got you, look , check here to see a list of router default passwords. Hope it helps.  Or post what router you have, and I'll see if I can find it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That dosent work. Nothing happens at all.

Come to that site that says The website can not shows etc...

Well, is the link I have here the router you have ?

If it is, and the IP doesn't work, then is it poosible that someone has changed it.


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