colllidestar Posted February 28, 2009 CID Share Posted February 28, 2009 Boosting up ur CPU really do affects the speed of your internet connection. You may follow these steps: PLEASE!!! ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR SYSTEM FIRST BEFORE U CHANGE ANYTHING AND USE THE GUIDE AT YOUR OWN RISK, thanks (to do this click start and click RUN then type "regedit" w/o " " the click EXPORT then type a file name or just put regbackup) just in case u messed up, just double click the regbackup file were u saved it. To Increase System Performance Right click my computer. Click properties. Click advanced. Click settings (under performance). Click Adjust for best performance. Scroll to the bottom and check the last one ?use visual styles on windows and buttons?. These Settings Will Fine Tune Your Systems Memory You need at least 256MB of ram to do this: Go to startrunregedit -and then to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management 1.DisablePagingExecutive -double click it and in the decimal put a 1 - this allows XP to keep data in memory now instead of paging sections of ram to harddrive yeilds faster performance. 2.LargeSystemCache- double click it and change the decimal to 1 -this allows XP Kernal to Run in memory and improves system performance a lot. 3.Create a new dword and name it IOPageLockLimit - double click it and set the value in hex - 4000 if you have 128MB of ram or set it to 10000 if you have 256MB set it to 40000 if you have more than 512MB of ram -this tweak will speed up your disckcache. Restart Your PC Tweak The Swap File (Less Loading) For Users with 256 MB RAM or more this tweak will boost their Windows- and Game-Performance. What it does: It tells Windows not to use any Swap File until there is really no more free RAM left. Open the System Configuration Utility by typing msconfig.exe in the RUN command. There in your System.ini you have to add "ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1" under the 386enh section. Restart your Windows and enjoy better Game performance Disable Services XP Pro runs a lot of services by default that are pointless if your not on a corporate network, the following services are ones that I safely disable thereby freeing up memory but check what each one does first to make sure your not using it for something: Go to Run and type services.msc, right click on each service, properties and choose disable. Alerter Application Management Automatic Updates Background Intelligent Transfer Clipbook Distributed Link Tracking Client Distributed Transaction Coordinater Error Reporting Service Fast User Switching Compatibility IMAPI CD-Burning Indexing Service IPSEC Services Messenger Net Logon Net Meeting Remote Desktop Sharing Network DDE Network DDE DSDM Portable Media Serial Number Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Remote Registry Secondary Logon Smartcard SSDP Discovery Service Telnet Themes Uninterruptible Power Supply Universal Plug and Play Device Host Upload Manager Webclient Wireless Zero Configuration WMI Performance Adaptor Speed Up The File System (I dont think this will work on a FAT 32 File System) NTFS is a great file system, but its feature-set comes at a slight cost in performance. You can negate this a little with the following tips: * By default NTFS will automatically update timestamps whenever a directory is traversed. This isn't a necessary feature, and it slows down large volumes. Disable it by going to Run and type regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlFileSystem and set 'DisableNTFSLastAccessUpdate' to 1. * NTFS uses disparate master file control tables to store filesystem information about your drives. Over time these core MFT files grow and become fragmented, slowing down all accesses to the drive. By setting aside a little space, MFT's can grow without becoming fragmented. In the same key where you disabled the last access feature creat a new DWORD value called 'NtfsMftZoneReservation' and set it to 2. Disable DLL Caching Windows Explorer caches DLLs (Dynamic-Link Libraries) in memory for a period of time after the application using them has been closed. This can be an inefficient use of memory. 1. Find the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer]. 2. Create a new DWORD sub-key named 'AlwaysUnloadDLL' and set the default value to equal '1' to disable Windows caching the DLL in memory. 3. Restart Windows for the change to take effect. Tweak The Prefetch 1. Run "Regedit" 2. Goto [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParametersEnablePrefetcher] 3. Set the value to either 0-Disable, 1-App launch prefetch, 2-Boot Prefetch, 3-Both ("3" is recommended). 4. Restart Your PC. It will decrease the boot time but double and increase the performance of your XP. SpeedUp Your Connection By 20% (Cable/DSL Users Only) 1.Log on as "Administrator". 2. Run - gpedit.msc 3. Expand the "Local Computer Policy" branch. 4. Then expand the "Administrative Templates" branch. 5. Expand the "Network" branch. 6. Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left pane. 7. In the right window pane double-click the "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" setting. 8. On the settings tab check the "Enabled" item. 9. Change "Bandwidth limit %" to read 0. 10. Then go to your Network connections Start=>Control Panel>Network & Internet connections>Network Connections and right-click on your connection. Then under the General or the Networking tab, (where it lists your protocols) make sure QoS packet scheduler is enabled. It may take effect immediately on some systems. To be sure, just Restart Your PC. Hope everyone finds these useful. i would like to thank sir HawkKnight for this guide XD Now For My Comment: I Tested this guide and It DID boost my Internet connection (by 20%) performance, loading time and booting up. And I got the most performance out of my computer. I would like to specify yung steps on Tweaking your swap file. this will speed up your pc. It Will access mostly in Memory prior to the Hard Disk (which is slower) more at 1.5GB in my memory . in my normal operation 50% memory and 50% swapfile(hard disk) of my system is using. This is slower Trust me! If your system crashes or your OS wont work anymore, chances are u made a mistake or u skip a step. So again! BACKUP YOUR CONFIGURATION (steps mentioned above) and DO THIS GUIDE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RTB Posted July 23, 2009 CID Share Posted July 23, 2009 Perhaps worth noting is that these steps are several years old, because of the 256MB memory value, it mentioning a FAT32 partition for windows, and the QoS myth. Conservative swap makes more sense these days with 2 - 4 GB of RAM standard, even though I get the feeling nowadays people think RAM should not be used, complaining that program X is using lots of memory 'for no reason'. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted July 23, 2009 CID Share Posted July 23, 2009 Perhaps worth noting is that these steps are several years old, because of the 256MB memory value, it mentioning a FAT32 partition for windows, and the QoS myth. Conservative swap makes more sense these days with 2 - 4 GB of RAM standard, even though I get the feeling nowadays people think RAM should not be used, complaining that program X is using lots of memory 'for no reason'. Thats so true. They do do that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aecee Posted January 28, 2010 CID Share Posted January 28, 2010 sir, hw can i log on as an adminitrator?..cant access kac gpedit.msc.. windows cannot find gpedit.msc nman.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted January 28, 2010 CID Share Posted January 28, 2010 Give this a try! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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