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messing around with netgear ip address and is mess up plz help!!!

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the netgear wireless router ip address seem to be mess up or somthing after i was messing around with it and i can seem to get into the config of the wireless router with the routerlogin.com, and i went and check the ip address on the cmd window and it show this:


Windows IP Configuration

Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

  Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : domain_not_set.invalid

  Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::15b1:39b5:c57f:a9e9%10

  IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :

  Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

  Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 6:

  Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : domain_not_set.invalid

Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 7:

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :

  IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:0:4137:9e50:38d9:5bf:ba95:4293

  Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::38d9:5bf:ba95:4293%12

  Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 11:

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : domain_not_set.invalid

  IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2002:456a:bd6c::456a:bd6c

  Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 2002:c058:6301::c058:6301

Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 13:

  Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :

the internet is working fine but the router seem like it dosent have a ip address to connect to, i have no clue wat is wrong can anyone plz help me out here thank you! puls am a noobie here :(

What make, and model is the router ?

I would try connecting right  > here  "" to get to the router.

Does this get you in ? If not , then try here "".

I can see you either have made alot of new connections after deleting some, to try and get the right settings pr connect, or you have alot going on , Id'e say the latter no ? If it is the latter, just trying to connect via web gui "IP" , and you don't have a complex config, then just reset the router, depending on the model, there should either be a hole in the back, that a paperclip will slide into, or a small button on the back, unplug the router, then press this button in, hold it there while plugging in the router, and keep holding it for at least 60 seconds, then let go, and you should be back to default.

If you do have many settings that you don't think you will be able to reprogram, then you may want to try to telnet into the router to save the config before going back to default.

I can't think of a router off top of my head that starts with this IP, what did you do to get it there ? Unless you have a static IP, or tried to change the IP for other reasons, most intranet sets start 192.XXX.XX, or something of that nature.

What make, and model is the router ?

I would try connecting right  > here  "" to get to the router.

Does this get you in ? If not , then try here "".

I can see you either have made alot of new connections after deleting some, to try and get the right settings pr connect, or you have alot going on , Id'e say the latter no ? If it is the latter, just trying to connect via web gui "IP" , and you don't have a complex config, then just reset the router, depending on the model, there should either be a hole in the back, that a paperclip will slide into, or a small button on the back, unplug the router, then press this button in, hold it there while plugging in the router, and keep holding it for at least 60 seconds, then let go, and you should be back to default.

If you do have many settings that you don't think you will be able to reprogram, then you may want to try to telnet into the router to save the config before going back to default.

I can't think of a router off top of my head that starts with this IP, what did you do to get it there ? Unless you have a static IP, or tried to change the IP for other reasons, most intranet sets start 192.XXX.XX, or something of that nature.

thanks for the tips but someone already help me out with the reseting the router :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2: lol! ahaha and it is working fine, but i do have another question for you can i like change the link-local Ipv6 address back to the normal number?? the internet is working fine but i just want it to change back to normal, or dose it not matter at all?? thanks Mudmanc4 :smitten::grin: o yea and wat is the latter??? i have no clue wat that is lol! heheh thanks! :)

Well whats the normal IP you had noted for the IPV4 ? No need to post it, just a rhetorical question for you to investigate.

As far as "the latter " ,  ( it's something you can climb to get up higher to reach something out of reach ............. alright, I'm kidding,  :haha: , it was meant to reference the second option for you to look into for a conclusion.  :) Or the last thing I posted vs. the first thing.

Well whats the normal IP you had noted for the IPV4 ? No need to post it, just a rhetorical question for you to investigate.

As far as "the latter " ,  ( it's something you can climb to get up higher to reach something out of reach ............. alright, I'm kidding,  :haha: , it was meant to reference the second option for you to look into for a conclusion.  :) Or the last thing I posted vs. the first thing.

:lol::haha: very funny mudmanc4!   :knuppel2::evil:  :haha: anyway i see, i though it mean something about computer stuff....and i was lost! :lol: well the normal IP i forgot wat it is lol! but i was just saying if theirs anyway for me to go in their and fix it or change it back to normal or let it auto change it back or something like that. well thanks  mudmanc4 :grin2:  :angel:

:lol::haha: very funny mudmanc4!  :knuppel2::evil:  :haha: anyway i see, i though it mean something about computer stuff....and i was lost! :lol: well the normal IP i forgot wat it is lol! but i was just saying if theirs anyway for me to go in their and fix it or change it back to normal or let it auto change it back or something like that. well thanks  mudmanc4 :grin2:  :angel:

  I would let it be. There's really no "fixing it"  If your using standard network configuration, then don't worry about it. Unless your getting into spoofing your mac address for different reasons on a wireless network, or while your on a public network.

  I would let it be. There's really no "fixing it"   If your using standard network configuration, then don't worry about it. Unless your getting into spoofing your mac address for different reasons on a wireless network, or while your on a public network.

o i see, thanks mudmanc4 :)

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