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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 5152 Kbps about 5.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 629 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Thu Feb 24 2005 22:24:17 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 92X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.63 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 61.1 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-OT7A5KXEY

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lol thats what i get on roadrunner/Elink basic.. O_o

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 5684 Kbps about 5.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 694 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Sat Feb 26 2005 10:44:06 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 101X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.48 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 49.54 % faster than the average for host (mindspring.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-QY3IV5DE2

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I tested my speed with my computer connected directly through the modem and was running at 7.4Mbps. When I run my desktop through my router i test at the following.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 6440 Kbps about 6.4 Mbps (tested with 5983 KB)

Download Speed is:: 786 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Sun Feb 27 21:38:35 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 115X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.3 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 100.81 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-SUCQ7VP4H

I guess running through the router cuts some bandwidth. Is there anything that can compensate for this loss?

My Laptop runs around the 5.2Mbps range....it uses a wireless card that's recieving at 100%. It seems like it should be closer to my desktop speed, but maybe it's losing even more. Any suggestions?

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