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John real esy

go to your control panel (direcway control center) http address - then after the / add...

fs/advanced/advanced.html  to to your advanced DW control center - on left side near bottom you will see SETUP click it then click ANTENNIA POINTING next (do NOT check the enable OPI box just click next) just click next then NEXT again - preform the test - be sure to click EXIT after the test is preformed.  If it fails run it again - fails run it again  your transit light and system light should go out while the test is running  - if it continues to fail try preforming it till it passes once it passes once click finish and EXIT and eerthing will be fine except if it fails you are going to need someone to repoit the dish manually because your cross pol should NEVER fail  - if it does then your speed will pause and lag.  - if you cannot pass  after trying power cylce down the modem ,  good luck

OK..so I did this auto cross pole check.....ACP re validate WAS at 77....for as long as I know (couple weeks)

The first two times I tried it it never finished....ran 20 min...I closed it......second time ..same thing. So I power cycled the modem...reran the test..took.10 sec.

First hit was 78...second was 77...third was 81.

I exited the program. Did a restart and the ACP shows 0.....reran the test 83...ok

But now anytime I turn the modem off it's 0 again....is this normal??

My system revalidates itself between 259200-432000 seconds usually every 3-5days....however doing a power cycle does clear some of the previous ACP stats until it revalidates again....I never run the ACP myself because it wont pass for some reason.....it passed around 77 on the installers laptop but would not get above 55 in the house on my PC ?? I'm not sure if my smaller .74m dish affects this or not?

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