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This Ubee DDM3513 is apparently a DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem. I have not unpacked it. I did not request it. But it came in a nice box from Comcast. They know I own my own Motorola SB5101, which I understand is not DOCSIS 3.0. This follows an upgrade in service to their 20Mbps tier (from many years of same service at around 12 and 6Mbps).

So I'm wondering, is this modem as good as the Motorola SB6120? I also have that here sitting unpacked!

The reason I haven't unpacked them (and installed them to test) is because I was told by many technicians (both in Comcast and elsewhere) that a DOCSIS 3.0 modem would bump my 20Mbps tier to around 30Mbps, but my connection is already testing at near 30Mbps speeds! Previously I had their 20Mbps tier for a short period and it rarely went above 22Mbps. The difference between 20 and 30Mbps is not so noticeable to me. The next higher tier at Comcast right now is 50Mbps, which absolutely needs the DOCSIS 3.0 modem. But I don't have that tier. I'm probably not going to upgrade to it at any time in the near future. So I'm sure Comcast wants me to be prepared with the proper equipment hoping that I would upgrade. They also mention a much higher and more expensive 105Mbps tier service, which they boast can actually provide over 250Mbps with the right equipment! Okay, so much for salesmanship on their part.

Anyway, my immediate question at hand is, which is better, the Motorola SB6120 or this Ubee DDM3513? I could not find any info online.

Other comments are welcomed.

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