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My Monitor Took a Major dump. Had a 20 inch L.C.D. While Looking around, I found that they have changed. The new ones have LED. Decided after TONS of research to go with this one.


About went with the 23 inch but in comparing them I just liked the 24 inch better. The difference was only 40 bucks. I am super happy with it. The Colors just Pop. Games look Killer. Movies are Sweet. Staples had the LED Monitors set up next to the LCD. You could sure tell a difference. The Monitor is a LCD with the LED lit background. They are razor Thin. If your looking to replace a monitor. Go with the LED Back ground. You will be happy you did.

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While Doing my research. It Did seem that staples had the best deal on them. I know you can go to staples, order it if you see it on the web site. Pay for it and they will ship it for free. If they dont have it in the store. I even checked New Egg and Amazon. Even Looked at wall mart web site. I think the thing that shocked me the most in comparing them in the store was How Little diffrence it seemed between the 21 compared to the 23 inch. Yet when comparing the 23 to the 24 the difference was huge.

Depending on your budget IMHO I suggest hitting staples, Or Best Buy or someplace like that. Compare then, Staples had there's hooked up. Look at the LCD Compared to the LCD with the LED Background. You can read all the reviews and such, But seeing them in Person working really helps you make the right choice for your budget. They Way I did it was this way. I looked at staples web site. I knew I wanted the LCD with the LED Background. Looked at the customer Reviews on that web site. Then Hit google and Looked at several different reviews of the Product. Then Hit you tube and Seen what they had to offer. I was looking at the 23 inch acer. If there had not been such a noticeable difference between the 23 and 24, I would of went with the acer 23 inch.

I Swear I dont work for staples. I was surprised they offered the best deals. Keep a eye on the web site, They offer sales and discounts from time to time. I just can not stress enough. Try to see them in person. Compare the looks and such. Do your research. Read the reviews on several web sites.

Now with the acer 23 and 24 some said they were not happy with the buttons being hidden to adjust the image. They are not marked. When I installed the disk. I downloaded the Software for the Monitor. There is now a Icon in my toolbar, Click on that, and you can adjust your image that way. Oh and One last thing. There is a big Plastic button in the middle of the Monitor at the Bottom. Push it up and that turns on and off your monitor. Its right under the word acer. Had a bit of a time figuring that one out. Cause I am a guy and to lazy to read the instructions. :) The monitor like most others are self adjusting. So if you change something the monitor will adjust.

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looking at that pic the stand looked kinda cheap and flimsy. But then i see the screen only weigh 12lbs i said heh why not. Does the screen shake or wobble at lot or sits still?

With the LED Lit background, The monitor its self is super light. Really Thin. The stand I have is fine. No Wobble, You can wall mount it, But that is not included in the box. Guess you have to buy a kit of some type. The way the stand snaps into the monitor it makes it seem and feel like one piece. Will say it does not seem like there is allot of adjustment. Nice thing about staples. You get 12 days to return if your unhappy for any reason. I Was KINDA iffy still about it. Thats when the sales man told me about the 12 day return policy. So if I hated the Picture or any thing else. Return it. No Problem. This is the video that got me going down this path. There is some tilt to it. Mine does not have the wall mount option. Just looked at the back. Also my stand Snaps into the Monitor there is no screw needed.

This Video Helps you better understand.

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