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Greetings from sunny Perth...


My new Average d/l Speed Record

  14k Bytes / sec :whip2: faster... faster...


My average for the past week was about 9.2kBs - I only discovered testmy.net tonight and wouldn't you know it, the speed tonight is 50% faster, a blistering 14k, but I guess thats because it was 1:40 am local time.


TestMy.Net compared it to the average for the country:

"99% slower than the Australian average 6.7 Mbps"

 So all week it must have been about 0.4% of the country avg.


Yes, it's a bit better than the reliable 9.6kBs (9600 baud) I used to get on an ordinary phone line over 30 years ago!



And if you think that sucks, my upload speed peaked at 0.1kB/s, i.e. barely 100 bytes per second.


I have an audio recording of an iInet Technical  :binkybaby: Expert trying to convince  :argue: me "there is nothing wrong, your speeds are within a normal ADSL range!".  (I will post it when I work out how).









p.s. I'm using a new modem, but I get similar (but slower) speeds when I swap it for my ISP supplied "premium" modem.


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Welcome!  Hopefully your speed will increase.  What type of connection is it?  Looks like you're using a Mac with Chrome so you're good there... what about you're router?  Do you have a router or is the modem directly connected?


14 kB/s average, ouch.  Hey, at least you're faster than dial-up.  :thumbsup:


For anyone who's been missing the old dial-up days... dialup.mp3
Remember though, your 9600 baud modem was only 1.2 kB/s.  It was 9.6 Kbps (not 9.6 kB/s).  kB/s is 8 times higher than Kbps. (because there are 8 bits per byte)
Found this and thought this was pretty funny.  See, some experts have the vision, some don't. 

Where will it end? Some experts say 9600 is the highest baud rate that even good quality phone lines can support. But the researchers who pushed the highest baud rates from 300 to 1200 and then to 2400 and now to 9600 know that the experts were wrong before, and even now some of them are talking of 38,400-baud modems within a decade.

10+ kB/s over a normal phone line wasn't achieved until people started bonding 56K modems. Bonded 56K was pretty rare back in the day.  But if you had it you could see speeds up to 14 kB/s... as with bonded connections these days the speed is spread, can't be combined in a single download (unless the file is split).  It made multiple downloads faster and browsing much faster but you could only pull a max speed of one of the modems at any given time from a normal download.

Oldest modem I used in regular practice was a 2400 baud from the early 80's.  It was much later by the time I got it... used it to dial into

BBSs.  Next was a 14.4k, which was my first true Internet modem.  Then jumped to 33.6k for a few months... I remember 33.6k being much faster than what most people had, lol.  Then switched to cable Internet as soon as it was available.  That's when I got the name CA3LE and started what would become TestMy.net.


If I were in Perth, Australia...


... I'd almost definitely go with Telestra Internet, iiNet Limited (what you have) or Optus.  Taking not just speed into account, also looking at the number of recently averaged results and looking deeper into the details of the results.


What speed are you supposed to have?  If you're paying for 128 Kbps... then you're doing good.

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  • 1 year later...

Updating this old questions ... for th einfo of others.

ADSL speed will depend amongst other factor of how far away you are from your ADSL Exchange

In the case of Paul from Perth, he should look at




Find your local Exchange and compare your speed with that of others


Good luck

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Appreciate the suggestion, but that was not the issue...  Im one of the lucky ones, with the exchange in my back yard, on the other side of my fence; say 100m maximum.


Further research showed the ADSL link between myself and iInet reports 20 mbits per second, I.e. d/loading from 'their' web or ftp server.  Clearly the problem had to relate with iInet's external link.


As final proof, I setup a net speed test between myself and another iInet client in Perth city who also "had slow internet browsing".  I can't renember the speed transferring data between us, but it was flying!  And, remote desktop sessions between us felt no different to a local lan connection.


Certain times a day, and much more noticably, during school holidays, browsing etc boggs down to a crawl...


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