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wheni try to do the nslookup command in cmd i get this

*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain

*** Default servers are not available

Server:  UnKnown


I don't know what is going on, any help? it will sometime DNS the IP i try and sometimes it wont, its a on and off basis, but i get that error everytime

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i have the pro plan on sbc (3000/416, its dsl)

my internet is like this

Internet - Windows 2k Server - Switch - Rest of comps

i only have DNS probs on the Rest of Comps part :

whenever i load IE up it says Detecting Proxy Settings.. and it stays there for about 20 seconds, its not really a big deal, but it gets annoying after a while

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god i hate sbc...every1 else is gettn like 5mb DLs and stuff im stuck at gettn like 2.5mb..im still .5mb from my 3mb cap! i wish project lightspeed from SBC would hurry up and come to little rock, arkansas..too bad no1 knows its a state ='(

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