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Since about 5 days I have been experiencing very slow file upload speeds. Tests to various upload sites, speedtest sites and protocols (ftp, sftp) suggest the problem may be protocol specific as some work and others don't.

My ISP (PlusNet in the UK) is so far denying responsibility.....

https://testmy.net/upload is one of the sites that is demonstrating the problem - my test results are below.

I have confirmed that it is not a wifi problem by hard wiring my laptop to my router with ethernet cable.

I am hoping to be able to take my laptop to a neighbour to repeat the test there with a different ISP.


Very grateful indeed for any suggestions how I might discover where the problem lies....and persuade my ISP that the problem is in their network "somewhere"!


Test results are:

:::.. Upload Speed Test Result Details ..:::
Upload Connection Speed:: 13 Kbps or 0 Mbps 
Upload Speed Test Size:: 96 kB or 98304 bytes
Upload Binary File Transfer Speed:: 2 kB/s
Tested At:: http://TestMy.net  Version 15
Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/r8OzioMHn
Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/compID/1340706320209  
Test Time:: 2016-07-11 23:38:47 Local Time 
Client Location:: London, GB GB https://testmy.net/city/london_gb
Target:: London, GB http://uk2.testmy.net
Client Host:: INFONET Services Corporation https://testmy.net/hoststats/infonet_services_cor
Compare:: 100% slower than host avg, 100% slower than city avg, 100% slower than country avg, 100% slower than world index 
1MB Upload in 9 Minutes - 1GB Upload in ~146 Hours - 0X faster than 56K
This test of exactly 96 kB took 62.969 seconds to complete
User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36 [!]

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The exact cause for my problems remains a mystery - but following my ISP (PlusNet in UK) having a network outage on Thursday, uploads seem to be working again at expected speeds. Presumably the network outage reset whatever device was causing the problem......


Please mark [CLOSED] - thanks

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